Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W6: "Tell us about that accident or incident in the kitchen"

in Steemit Iron Cheflast year
Assalamu Alaikum

Our girls spend most of their day in the kitchen. And the kitchen is a place where delicious dishes are made as well as carelessness leads to fatal accidents. Today I will also share with you an accident that happened to me in the kitchen. And thank you @steemit-ironchef for giving me this opportunity.

Me: @hasina78
From: @bangladesh

Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W6.png
image made by canva

Tell us about that accident or incident that happened in the kitchen.

It happened in the month of March 2017. My elder son was sick and the doctor gave him antibiotics. But the antibiotic tablets were too big for him to swallow. He was only 9 years then. That's why I crushed antibiotic tablets and then fed him. But that day I was in a hurry and forgot to feed him in the morning.

So when it's tiffin time I thought I'll rush the medicine and give it with tiffin so he can take it. So I quickly put the tablet on a big spoon in the kitchen and thought to crush it with another spoon. That's why I was working in the kitchen. Suddenly I tripped. I hurt my shoulder badly by falling. I had a terrible experience. I still remember this incident because sometimes I still have pain in my hand, and I can't do any heavy work properly.

Were you sunny @ at that time? Were you able to solve it alone or did someone help you?

The worst thing was that my husband was not in the country. He was out of the country for some official work. When I fell and got the pain I was in so much pain that I couldn't get up by myself and had to get help to get up.

Then I called my husband's colleague's wife and she came and took me to the hospital and there I was injected and my whole arm was plastered for a month.

What did you do after what happened?

After this incident, I had to stay in bed for a long time. My right hand was closed for a month and I could not do any work. My two children are small. The youngest is two years old. He wouldn't eat with anyone except me, he wouldn't bathe with anyone, and it would be a lot of trouble.

I still remember that I used to spread the food with a spoon and my elder son would feed my younger son sitting in front of me. My younger son always asked me when will you be ok? When did you feed me? When will you give me a bath? Get well soon.

Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W6 (1).png
image made bt canva

Does this anecdote leave you a bad memory? Or do you laugh a lot when you remember it? Tell us.

After this incident, when my bandage was opened a month later, it was found that my hand was not completely fixed. I could not move my hand properly. Then my physiotherapy started. I have been taking the therapy for seven consecutive months. Then slowly I was able to move my hand. This is a horrible experience in my life. I had to go under treatment for about 1 year. By Allah's grace, I can now do normal activities with this hand.

No, I never smile when I think about this incident, instead, I think about what a terrible situation I had to go through all those days.



Accidents do happen in the kitchen, but we have to be careful. Our work cannot be rushed. My whole family suffers when I get sick or injured.


Plz, join the contest.

Thank you

 last year 

Amiga veo que la recuperación fue lenta, cuando existe fracturas o fisuras, tarda mucho en sanar.

Me imagino a tus pequeños hijos desesperados oara que sanaras pronto y pudieras atenderlos.

Que bueno que ya estás mejor 🤗.

 last year 

Thank you dear for your sweet comment.


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Curated by : @mile16


 last year 

@mile16, thank you for this support .

In fact, there are many accidents in the kitchen, the place is really a dangerous place, I also had some accidents, however, God does everything for the good of people, but the time was bad for you, and your husband was also by your side, isn't it in words? When danger comes it comes with food, however you have written beautifully, I wish you the best, stay well

 last year 

Thank you vai. I am almost ok now by the grace of Almighty Allah.

Suddenly I tripped. I hurt my shoulder badly by falling. I had a terrible experience. I still remember this incident because sometimes I still have pain in my hand, and I can't do any heavy work properly.

আসলেই কিচেনে অনেক সাবধানে কাজ করা উচিত। যে কোন সময় গরম কিছু গায়ে লাগতে পারে। আগুন লাগতে পারে। আপনার মতো পোড়ে গিয়ে ব্যাথা ও পেতে পারেন। অনেকেরি রান্না ঘরে মারা যায় এরকম ইতিহাস আছে। অনেক সুন্দর লিখেছেন এবং উপোস্থাপন করেছেন আপনার জন্য শুভকামনা রইল।

 last year 

ধন্যবাদ ভাই আপনার মূল্যবান মতামতের জন্য। আসলেই কিচেনে সাবধানে কাজ করা উচিৎ, কিন্তু অনেক সময় হয়ে ওঠে না যার ফলে এমন সব দূর্ঘটনা ঘটে।

 last year 

What a difficult experience you lived, fortunately you did not break or fracture your hand. These accidents can always happen so we must be very careful. It is good to know that this has already happened and that several years later you are already recovered, with some pain, but well.

 last year 

Thank you so much for reading my post and leaving a nice comment.

 last year 

Saludos 👋

Este tipo de accidentes suele suceder en la cocina por eso debemos tener mucho cuidado de como hacemos las.cosas, sobretodo de estar concentrados en lo que hacemos teniendo cuidado. No me quiero imaginar por todo lo que pasaste.

Éxitos en el concurso 🤗

 last year 

Muchas gracias por tu preocupación querida. Buenos deseos para ti.

 last year 

Este no es el típico accidente de cocina, pero corrobora que en esos espacios destinados a cocinar debemos estar muy atentos porque cualquier incidente puede ocurrir. En su caso una caída afectó su hombro y su brazo, por lo cual su vida se paralizó por completo, ya que debía esperar a que se recuperara de las afecciones de ese percance para volver a la normalidad de sus tareas... Éxitos, amigo. Saludos...

 last year 

Thank you for your valuable feedback.

 last year 

I am sorry about what you are experiencing. Sometimes I am too busy with my work. I often leave my wife alone to take care of my kitchen. I hope something like this never happened to him. Thank goodness I got you okay now. Good luck for your contest

 last year 

Thank you for your concern. Plz, tell your wife to be more careful while working in the kitchen.


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