Daily Menu Delicacies Week No. 18. date (00-00-2024) // My delicious meal

in Steemit Iron Cheflast month (edited)

Greetings everyone how are you all doing today it's a great day and today I'm happy to participate in this contest that was organized here in the steem iron chef which is all about the daily food menu.

[Collage on my phone]

Allow me to clarify what is meant by food in a few words before I proceed; it’s any substance that an organism ingests to sustain itself. Mostly, it comes from animals or plants and has carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals as its constituents in most cases. At the same time, it is an organism that ingests food and assimilates its cells for energy production, growth promotion and life maintenance in return. For instance; some of the foodstuffs are meant to give an individual energy while others are for body development or repair of worn out tissues.

Morning breakfast


My morning breakfast I prepared it myself after I woke up I was thinking on what to eat fo breakfast so I decided to make tea and fried potatoes so went to a near by shop and bought Milo and peak milk so I now come and pile my potatoes and slice it very well before frying it so here is my breakfast a cup of tea with fried potatoes.


Actually it's very easy to make not that stressful and what i use in frying the potatoes was just Palm oil, salt, and it was really delicious i was even wishing for it not to finish 😂 because of the sweetness.

Afternoon lunch

In the afternoon i had banana and groundnut as my lunch because i needed something soft and I couldn't get it because were i live is inside estate so I just took my bicycle and go outside then bought it with groundnuts and I went back and enjoyed myself every day is not about work work sometimes enjoy yourself and rest.


Evening dinner

So this evening I was not really hungry I was just with my phone blogging on Steemit so my brother said he wants to cook and I was not really interested in what he was going to cook until when he was done and ask my to come and teste it wow I went and saw he cook rice and beans with spaghetti 😊 that's my first time eating it but I thought it will not be good but guess what it was really delicious and I enjoyed it thanks for reading my post.


I'm inviting @m-fdo @emmy01 and @goodybest to participate in this contest.


Congratulations, your post has been curated by @dsc-r2cornell. You can use the tag #R2cornell. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by Blessed-girl


Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord



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Curated by : @anasuleidy

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