Power-Sic Week 39//Alhamdulillah. Finally able to achieve 14k steem power.

in Steemit Iron Chef7 months ago

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Greetings dear friends.
How are you all my friends? I hope all of you are doing well by the grace of Almighty Allah. Alhamdulillah, I am excellent today. Today I am here to participate in weekly power up contest organized by @steemit-ironchef community. Now it’s 39th of the POWER-SIC Contest. Today I am here with my power up post to participate in this contest.. But first I want to thank Steemit Iron Chef community for organizing such a very good contest. So friends let's start my blog.

Power Up Process:

Step 1,

  • I try to power up once every week. And today I completed my weekly power up amounting to 118.396 steem. And currently the total steem power in my wallet is 13901.047 steem.


Step 2,

  • So at the beginning of power up, at first I logging to my wallet and then I click on the triangle icon beside the liquid steem. After that many options come in front of the screen. From there I click on power up option for the next step.


Step 3,

  • Afther that I write the total amount of steem in the amount box as shown. Then I click on the power up option to proceed for the another step.


Step 4,

  • Now I have to confirm to complete this transaction. So I click on the ok option below to proceed to the next step.


Step 5,

  • In the last step of the power up process I copied my ID's private active key and then I put it in the empty cell. After that I click on the Sing in option and it’s done.


Step 6,

  • After complete the all step correctly then I back to my wallet and saw that my total steem power is increase and now it is 14019.443 steem power.


Thanks my dear friends for visiting my power up post.I would like to invite @msharif, @solaymann, @ripon0630. Have a beautiful day friends.

Best Regards




 7 months ago 

Felicidades por su encendido amigo @enamul17.

Sobre todo por que con el ha llegado a sus primeros 14.000 SP, lo cual da fe de su compromiso con su cuenta y con la plataforma, apoyando a que el steem sea cada vez más sólido.

Ahora inicia su nueva meta, la de los primeros 15.000 SP y el nuevo estatus que conseguirá cunado los alcance, el Triple Delfín.

Así que desde ya aplicando estrategias para obtenerlo antes de que termine el año 2023.


Saludos. SLPS



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Curated by : @fjjrg


 7 months ago 

Great job, as usual, you're closing to your triple dolphin stage in the near future and many more to achieve. My best wishes.

 7 months ago 

Saludos amigo, espero se encuentre muy bien.
Me alegro que haya podido compartir su excelente encendido. Cada steem le garantiza una excelente inversión a futuro y eso es magnífico.

Siempre debemos realizar Power Up para fortalecer nuestra cuenta y apoyar
a otros usuarios con nuestro poder de voto.

Le deseo éxito en la dinámica.

Saludos cordiales

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