Power-Sic Week nro 5 | club 5050 |06-02-2024

in Steemit Iron Chef4 months ago
how are you hope so you will be fine and spend a healthy life with your loved once and I am also fine and spend a healthy life with my children and my loved once life is so beautiful and it is our duty how we spend it either we spend in positive way or may be we use in negative way or in useless thing life is a greatest blessing of allah almighty and when Allah create us then it send us with the good purpose which we fullfill with great honesty then we become a perfect person in the society and then we become a be patient in front of other people

my morning

Any ways today when I woke up early in the morning and I having the breakfast because today was off fron my children school due to kashmir holiday we celebrate this day due to freedom of Kashmiri people they suffer so many years and nobody can nothing fro them on this day we prove that we must with the Kashmiri people and onky they can suffer many things indeed they face from basic needs abd many children sufder from appetite and misery everyday their are many children die at any small reason on any single minute no Indian army show their no any single intention to stop this wild environment

today contest

So any ways I would like to participate in this contest with great interest because this is my favorite contest

procedure of steem power up

Power up proccedure increase the strength of our account and it make our account more powerful when I have joined the steemit I knew its importance and strengthen of powerup which increases day by day because in every work we cant achieve success in a day the procedure pf success is very long and depand on our hard work day by day it takes many time and specially we need some passion for every work and still I continue hard work on this steemit plat form I consistently dedicated on this platform like our daily engagment because I am very busy at my home and I do many task at home but all of these I continue consistently work at steemit platform with full zeal and zeast and very first thing with the blessing of my Allah almighty which its provide me strength and courage that I prove we should do every work which we,want we should do little bit effort and must admit our ability on our self so the steemit plat form one of the platform which is save and secure any disaster
So let start our power up procedure without any delay
Today my power up was the amount of 17 steem and now I elaborate the importance of power up then I tell you about the proccedure of power up

power up importance

Steem power up importance is very important of our account it increase the strength of our steemit account power up is a token which is not refund able and non transfer it makes mature our account and give strength which I already mention above in the last passage


When I opened my steemit wallet the STEEM was 34 then i decide the powerup half STEEM
So I power up half of the STEEM which is 17 STEEM so I click the power up option



Then I mention the amount of the empty blank and I wrote the amount which you can see in the picture and power up amount is a token which make influence more earning our curation reward that is not refund and non transferable which our account is mire strong able comparatively more then ever


Step 3

In this step when we click the power up amount the procedure of power up has been completed and our steem is going to power up and now my account has more worthy and more powerfull more then ever


In the last I would like to invite @Abdullahw12
in this contest


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


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Curated by : @muzack1

Hola Chef, es un gusto saludarte. Te felicito por tu encendido, cada steem suma y hace posible que se fortalezca nuestra cuenta a traves del tiempo.

Deseo que sigas con el buen trabajo, saludos cordiales.

Feliz día. ☀️✨☀️😊

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