"One Picture And One Story Week #23

in Steem For Pakistan6 months ago (edited)


Well, it's like a best friend but more. It's the one person in the world who knows you better than anyone else. It's someone that makes you a better person. Actually, they don't make you a better person. You do that yourself because they inspire you. It's someone you can carry with you forever. The one person who knew you and accepted you, believed in you before anyone else did or when no one else would. No matter what happens, you will always love them. Nothing can ever change that. Amidst the wreckage of shattered hopes, they found each other – two lost souls seeking refuge in the warmth of understanding and compassion, their friendship a beacon of light in the darkest of nights.

School bells could be heard ringing in the distance, accompanied not long after by the school drums and the echoes of students singing the National Anthem. The first day of the new school session.
For Tehilla, she was back from school way too early, before 8am, because she couldn't find her school tie and even though she was dressed up, didn't want to look odd among my peers. She didn't feel comfortable about not being "complete" even though she knew she wouldn't be the only one.
There was also the fact that she dreaded changing schools, adapting to a new environment and trying to make new friends. She really wished her parents could still afford her previous school. To her, if they didn't, her hopes would be shattered. God, I'll really need that miracle now, she thought.

Sapphire, on her own end, seemed to have come to peace with the fact that there was nothing she could do and had prepared her mind to face whatever would be in stall for her at new school. She resumed on the first day of the new session, but had barely made any friends. She really wasn't in a rush to.As fate would have it, Tehilla's new school was the same as Sapphire's. They were off to a rocky start, since Tehilla sat on Sapphire's seat on her first day, not knowing it was Sapphire's, and was spoken to in a rude way. Definitely not what Tehilla hoped for on her first day, and even though they ended up being seatmates, she made a mental note to try not to cross her path. Eventually, they had to speak to each other and as time went on, they realized that they had more similarities than they could think of. They became so close, you couldn't find one without the other. What had seemed to be the beginning of a "war" eventually turned into a beautiful friendship that others admired. One that would stand the test of time. It was like an answer to Tehilla's prayer for a miracle, because at that point in her life she needed someone that understood her dilemma and the "darkness" she seemed to be in and she got that and even more.

Throughout their senior secondary years, despite the fights and quarrels, the pains and all the challenges that had come their way, somehow they still made it work. The challenges weren't enough to bring it crashing.

They graduated, went their separate ways, but always checked up on each other through calls, texts and even visits. To each person, the other's home was a "home away from home". Once, while reminiscing on all they had been through together, Tehilla realized that family isn't always blood. It's the person in your life who wants you in theirs. The one who accepts you for who you are. The one who would do anything to see you smile, and loves you no matter what. She knew that she had that in Sapphire.

Thank you for reading my post, I invite my friends @goodybest, @ekemini01 and @rexzitek to participate in this contest.

25% to @null
 6 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


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