Weekly Contest - Best Diary Game | My Diary on 8 March 2023

in Steem For Pakistanlast year
Hello Steem for Pakistan

Introduction :

This is @yourloveguru from India. I am very excited to be part of this amazing contest which had been launched by @hive-180106 in this Community.

Description about Contest:

In this Contest, We need to share our diary. I am going to share my 8 March 2023 day diary. So let's begin this post:

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8 March 2023

About a Day :

This day was completely different from others day. There was Holi festival on this day. Holi is festival of playing colours with relatives, friends and to anyone.

Morning time to till 4 Pm at Afternoon:

We had a holiday day on this day so I woke up around 8.30 am. I was very happy and excited to play Holi with my wife, daughter and with my elder sister's family. But My wife came down with period pain because due to bad luck, this day was first day of her period.

I got up from bed and went to washroom, after refreshen up, I did dusting & cleaning in house. I did toothbrush and took shower. Time was around 9.45 am by wall watch.

After taking shower, I came in room and made woke up my wife and asked her health. She said, she is feeling better now but not able to play Holi and not able to go sister's house to play Holi. I became really sad at that time. Because I wanted to play Holi with her.

I worshiped God, Meanwhile my wife had prepared a breakfast for me but I did not want to eat anything because my mood was upset. Time was around 10.30 am by wall watch.

At 10.30 am, I went to my sister's house with my niece. My elder sister lives in same city, far away about 5 km from my home.

She offered us Colddrink, Gujiya, Papdichat.

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After having yummy Papdichat, Gujiya, We started to play Holi with them. We had a lots of fun to play Holi. We always use organic colors which does not harm on skin.

IMG20230308120124.jpgOriginal photo is captured by device F11 oppo by @yourloveguru


Original photo is captured by device F11 oppo by @yourloveguru

After playing Holi with Sister Family, I went to my In-laws house, there I played Holi with in laws members. I had a lots of fun there too.

IMG20230308122820.jpgOriginal photo is captured by device F11 oppo by @yourloveguru


Original photo is captured by device F11 oppo by @yourloveguru

We played Holi till 12.30 pm there, then I came back to my own home and I played Holi with my wife and daughter too because now my wife was feeling better.

IMG20230308130919.jpgOriginal photo is captured by device F11 oppo by @yourloveguru


Original photo is captured by device F11 oppo by @yourloveguru

Now Time was 1.30 Pm at Afternoon. After playing a lots of Holi now we started to take shower and it took almost 2 hours. Means we had finished our shower and cleaning house work by time of 3.30 pm at afternoon.

Now we were hungry and really exhausted. My wife prepared Chhola chawal for us in our lunch. After having our lunch, We slept for about 2 hours for taking rest.

Evening Time 6 pm to Till Night :

After taking rest, we woke up and got ready for Mela. We reached Mela and saw that there are huge rush. Mela is filled with many items like toys, kitchen items, clothes etc.

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We purchased Mango Papad there. It is delicious to eat and we love to eat.

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We drunk Masala cold drink too. It was needed because it is good for digestion.

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After spending time in Mela, We ate masala dosa in our dinner. It was not yummy, it just filled our appetite. I was really exhausted, Time was 11 Pm in night .

We went back to our home and changed our clothes into night dress and slept with sound sleep.

So We enjoyed our Holi festival like this way . It was good day and we did a lots of things. Hope you like it .

I would like to invite my few friends for this contest:


contest link is here

Thanks 🙏



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