"Steemit Engagement Challenge | S7W5 | Write A Short Story "steemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem For Pakistan2 years ago

Edited with photocollage

The irony of life

It's a pleasure to be here sharing this amazing story with you all about my uncle who thought life was unfair to him but in the end, realized that half-bread is better than none.

Uncle Benjamin was one of the rich men in my community, God blessed him with wealth and a beautiful wife. After their marriage, there was no issue, the woman was unable to conceive for almost four years. He was so worried about the whole situation because when they went to the hospital the doctor told them that nothing was wrong with them, but they should exercise patients. Years later his wife conceived and gave birth to a baby girl, the family was very happy that God had finally answered their prayers. Even though my uncle has a quest for a son but he never gave up thinking the next child will be a baby boy.

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They were living happily not until the wife still gave birth to another baby girl. My uncle was so angry when he had the news but later calmed down. He came to our house complaining to my mum that he needed a son, not a girl again, but my mum advised him to pray and hope for the best. At that moment he listen to her and still went back to his lovely wife. Two years later the woman still conceived again and my uncle was fully ready to welcome his unborn son. But it was so unfortunate that the wife gave birth to another baby girl. At this point, my uncle left the house for one week without saying a word to anyone he did not even look at the child imminently the doctor broke the news to him, and he left without looking back.

Two weeks later he came back home with this strange woman that he will marry so that she will give him a son. His wife was heartbroken when he brought the woman to his house.

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My Mum and my aunties tried to stop him but his mind was already made up. In a few months, he went ahead to marry this woman and after some months she conceived and gave birth to a baby boy. My uncle was so happy to the extent he turn his back on his first wife and three girls. He doesn't give them the full support they needed to the extent he sends them packing. My grandmother complained but his new wife was already controlling him simply because she gave him a son.

His wife and the three girls had no place to stay because the woman was an orphan and she had no relatives. So she came to our house and my mum allowed them to stay with us. she also encourage the woman to be strong for her children and also looks for a small job since she was educated. She went in search of a job and luckily she got one that she can support the kids and herself.

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Years after, my uncle was seriously sick and his wife did not inform anyone in my family about his condition. So one faithful day my mum send me to the house to inform him of the upcoming family meeting which is to hold in a week. But reaching the house the woman never wanted me to go in. She told me that my uncle was not at home. I drop the message with her and left. But on my way going home I made with one of my school mate who also lives in the same street so after exchanging pleasantries with her, then she asked what I went to do in that house. I smiled and told her that I went to see my uncle but he is not around.

But she reviled to me that my uncle is around but she had that he is seriously sick and the wife refused to take him to the hospital. Immediately I went back home and told my mum, then she called some of her siblings and headed straight to the house. Reaching the house the man was laying down half dead and the wife left the house with her son. but before she left she dropped a note saying “the son was not his, that she came to the house because of the money, and that he should not even bother looking for her if he survived”😪 hmmm.

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My uncle was rushed to the hospital and after numerous tests, we were told that one of his legs was paralyzed and he may not work again. The family tried their best to see that he regained back his legs but all could not avail. That was how he was given a wheelchair at the hospital and up till now he is still regretting his actions even though his wife forgave him and came back to the house with her daughters. The two girls have completed their National youth service while the other one is at the university studying law. The woman is doing well with her job but my uncle lost his job and now he is depending on the family.


Anxiety and desperation lead many people to destruction, it is said; 'the patient dog eats the Fatest born'. We can only appreciate what we have if we value it, but when we lose the little we have, that is when we know its value.

My uncle failed to understand that having a happy family is the most important thing in life, he make the wrong decision which led him to massive destruction. What he earlier forsaken has become his rescue. Let us always appreciate and value what we have. Happiness, joy, and peace of mind cannot be bought with money.


This is a true life story and I have learned a lot of lessons from my uncle's family life. It thought me as a woman to also have a source of income to support her children in unforeseen circumstances like this. May God be with us. I wish to invite @josepha @jasminemary @mjerry and @ishayachris to come and share their stories with us.

 2 years ago 

You have shared a very beautiful story. Your presentation is very good. I like the story very much. Thank you so much for sharing such a beautiful contest with us. Best wishes to you.

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much for your complement is highly appreciated 🙏

 2 years ago 

Thank you

 2 years ago 

@yakspeace It's great to hear that you have learned valuable lessons from your uncle's family life. It's important for everyone, regardless of gender, to have a source of income to support themselves and their loved ones. Financial stability is key to living a secure and fulfilling life. May you be blessed with good health, happiness, and prosperity in your own life.

 2 years ago 

Amen, thank you very much for your prayers and comments. I'm grateful.

 2 years ago 

Great story about Uncle Benjamin and his family. Although, Uncle Benjamin didn't do well by marrying a second wife because he was looking for a male son. In life we should learn how to wait for God time which is what he should have done. I wish you best of luck.

 2 years ago 

You have said it all sir, we should always wait on God because his ways are not our ways. Thank you for the contribution and good comments sir. I'm grateful.

Hello My friend @yakspeace! It is indeed heartbreaking to hear the story of your uncle and his family. It is a true testament to the fact that life is not always fair and that it is often filled with unexpected twists and turns. It is also a reminder of how the decisions we make in life can have far-reaching consequences. Your uncle's story is a lesson for all of us to not take for granted the little things in life, and to appreciate and value our families and loved ones.

Your uncle's story is also a reminder of the importance of having a source of income. As your uncle tragically found out, life can be unpredictable and having a source of income can be a lifeline in times of hardship and difficulty. It is a reminder to us all to be proactive in developing our skills and abilities, so that in times of need, we can rely on our own resources.

Regards, @fabiha

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much sir, i'm glad you read through my content. Your comment and contributions. It's highly appreciated 🙏

 2 years ago 

Yes it's very difficult for a women to live such a stressful life
Upbringing and all things , all arrangements, take care of all necessaries and accessories all things together is very difficult to handle for women especially.
Sad story and heart touching by you💓😔

 2 years ago 

Thank you for visiting my blog sir, i appreciate your comments 🙏

 2 years ago 

Your welcome

We women's we normally suffer in the hands of men most especially if we haven't giving birth to a male child. I have learn so much from your story. Thank you for inviting me.

 2 years ago 

Hummm, my dear some are not patients enough with what they have. But it's well. I believe my uncle has learned his lesson. Thank you for visiting my blog.

 2 years ago 

Hello dear @yakspeace
The story of your uncle Benjamin highlights the dangers of making hasty decisions driven by impatience and desperation. He was unhappy with the fact that he had three daughters and no sons and became so fixated on having a son that he made a mistake by marrying another woman in an attempt to have a son. This led him to losing his original family, which he eventually realized was more important to him than anything else.

The story serves as a reminder to value what we have and to not let our desires and anxieties cloud our judgement. your emphasizes importance of appreciating and valuing family, as happiness, joy, and peace of mind cannot be bought with money. Thank you for participating in the contest.

 2 years ago 

Your post has been supported by @simonnwigwe from Team 2 of the Community Curation Program, at 50%. We invite you to continue sharing quality content on the platform, and continue to enjoy support, and also a likely spot in our weekly top 7.

Voting date: 06/02/2023


 2 years ago 

Thank you for the support sir, im grateful.

indeed a patient dog should eat the fattest born, @yakspeace your uncle's story is an eye opener for people who are not contempt with what God has given or done for them. it's really inspiring i most confess. ...

 2 years ago 

Hummmm, you have said ot all dear friend. My friend has indeed learned from his mistakes. Thank you very much for reading through my content i'm most grateful 🙏


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