SLC S21W1 / Crochet Designs | Class 1: Keychain

Hello dear Steemians,
Today I wanted to take part in the Learning challenge that is running by @naka05 and @analp, the reason why is simple I do crochet since my childhood. My grandma taught me and also in my school we had the classes.
I have found some of my rest wool and also the crochet needle set that I always keep very tidy because there are many different sizes of needle that you can use with different size threads.

My crochet needle set is organised in order of the needle, on right side they are large sizes and on left fine till very fine, the size of the needles are in the middle of the needle shafts, I hope you can see them.

For this exercise to crochet a keychain, first I thought to take this kind of thread, they are more stiff, I thought it will be better for all-weather as our keys could be anywhere with us.

This is the thread and Needle size 30mm.

My first couple of rows that I did, still look very short.

This is me watching video and doing my chain.

Coming up to this level I did not like the material because it was too stiff and also a bit "hairy", that is why I just left this at this level and took another yarn. That was dark grey from the sweater for my mother that I knitted few years ago to her birthday and it was just a bit of rest of that "Merino" wool. I love "Merino" it is fine and very soft, so I thought now after trying a hard one I need to try something softer.
So here it is, I must say it was going much easier and it was very nice and soft on touch.

After just few minutes my work was done so far and I really love how it looks like.

Here is my final result and also my needle set.

Here is another view to my work with a key, I hope you can see it better, I specially made a photo just in front of white wall so that you could see the pattern well.
Hope you enjoyed my photo album of crochet work and I can only tell that I enjoyed taking back crochet needles.

I wanted to invite @vickyson, @aviral123 and @tammanna to this learning challenge

You have yiur crochet hooks well organized! So you crochet for a very long time. It's interesting to see your first try. Hairy indeed. It's more for macramé or crocheting with a bigger hook. Something like a plant basket hanger.
Gray is a good option if you like to make it look clean.
I wish you good luck.
Yes, I love that set :) It is really long time, since I learnt that from my grandma when I was a child and watching how she was doing that. I had many different needles for crochet too, but once I was in Amazon and saw that set that I immediately fell in love with and bought. It is great when you travel and want to take something just for spending time with little crochet of a a napkin so something quick. Yes the first one really good for macrame it is strong and a bit stiff.
I love grey it is soft and the whole work took me just couple of minutes. Thank you for visiting my post :)
It took me way longer because I had no idea what I was looking at. Do you know by any chance the English name of this stitch? I like to search for it but can't find it in Dutch if I translate the name.
My grandmothers maiy knitted although back then the cricheted table cloths were popular and those small cloths on the head of chairs. Later the crocheted curtains were very popular. I had a book with crochet patterns from the 70s but can no longer find it. Kind of pity. I believe everything would be fashion today.
A happy Sunday.
No I do not know the name of it but looking at the pattern it looks like "feather stitch pattern" although there are many variation of it too. I could simply follow the pattern. The old books with crochets are great I often look into them to check for any rare patterns.I hope you also had a nice Sunday and enjoying your evening :)
I better search for that book or see if I can find one in a second hand shop.
Feather might do the search.. Thanks.
I had a relaxed day.
Time to feed the wolves and cook.
Hola @wuddi, bienvenida a la primera clase de crochet, temporada 21. Nos complace recibir participantes de otros países, esto es muy interesante.
Ahora veremos su evaluación :
Tarea 1: La tarea 1 nos indica realizar la labor con los puntos sugeridos en clase, usted lo ha hecho apoyándose en el vídeo explicativo. Se evidencia que pudo comprender el tejido ya que en la primera muestra ya se pueden visualizar los puntos acostados. Solo sutento está tarea con 1 fotografía, con una secuencia de paso a paso hubiese sido perfecto.
Tarea 2: La tarea 2 indica, identificar los 22 pares de puntos acostados, en su imágen se pueden visualizar 21 pares.
Tarea 3: Finalizó su labor colocando el anillo de metal donde van las llaves, cerrando su labor y mostrandola con un bello acabado gracias al hilo utilizado. Este trozo de hilo con el que elaboró un suéter para su madre debe tener un valor sentimental muy grande. Ahora le dió una nueva utilidad.
Lástima que no ha mostrado una selfie con su labor terminada.
En nuestra primera temporada tuvimos mucho éxito con la presentación de las tareas de nuestros estudiantes, nunca hubo dudas de que el estudiante realizó su tarea.
Quizás la Selfie puede ser incómodo para algunas personas, pero de esta forma nos aseguramos que la persona que está de aquél lado es quién hace el trabajo.
Apreciamos su participación y lo que ha compartido con nosotros. Espero verlo en la segunda clases. Sería muy bonito que siga las recomendaciones.
Scores| 7/10
Hi @analp, thank you for organising the tutorial and for letting the users to learn more about this wonderful but nowadays less used hand craft. I hope many will find the magic of it and discover what they can create knowing the secrets of crochet.
I really enjoyed the classes and creating the work, I am doing that because I love it and it is not a problem if I am not winning any place, therefore, I did not capture the steps of my work. I also do understand that you would like to have a selfie with presenting the work, but I am not of fan any selfies in general, Therefore, it is clear for me that I do not fulfil the condition of the challenge but for me participation is the most enjoyable and I accept that the fact that I would never be entitled for be a winner of the challenge.
Thank you again for hosting the challenge and for verification, wishing you lovely Sunday evening :)
Gracias por tu lindo comentario y por mostrarnos creación. Me fascina ver el trabajo que realizan otras personas en otras partes del mundo, sobre todo al ver esos hilos que aquí no son comunes.
Hola @wuddi
Un estuche con agujas de diferentes tamaños muy bien ordenadas y cuidadas.
El llavero quedo muy bien elaborado con un lindo acabado.
Saludos y exitos.
Thank you @zory23, I was surprised to see this bag for needles and also thought it is better than when the needles lie all over the place. I am pleased you like my chain and thank you for your nice comment :)