Contest alert//Sharing my general knowledge week 18

in Steem For Pakistan2 days ago





Hello my dear Steemians,


Today I wanted to write for this contest that is running by @sahar78 , here is the link if you are also interested:


Smallest animal of world


I did not know exactly what is the smallest animal and while looking through Internet I found that in order to identify the smallest species we need to be more precise. When reading the article it was understandably divided in different type of animals and reptile but also the microscopic life, like little one-cell organisms because they are living species that means they live too.

I have learnt about the little Myxozoa that are endoparasites and live in water both salty and fresh water they are parasites and use the fishes for their life cycles.

The same time I found about such little cute frog and gecko, I believe nobody can resist to give them a smile and to say: How sweet they are! That is why I wanted to share those pictures with you too.




Biggest animal of world


As to the biggest animal of the world I knew that it will be a whale, in general they are huge and majestic. Do you know that there is still some whale hunters who catch whales and trade, there is still industry that use whale meat for example for:

  • producing of pet food
  • in some countries it is a food that served for tourists who would like to taste the whale food

There is also whale oil, cartilages that are used in pharmaceutical industry but also for producing health supplements.

The biggest art of whales live in Antarctic and was was endangered, thank to many organisations who actively working to preserve this species they are still there, the blue giants.





King of fruits


I love different fruits, especially those that are juicy and sweet, there are many of them and of course, I have not taste many. Living in Europe we do not have exotic ones and sometimes when I meet my friends who study here but originally from other countries they often tell about their traditional food and sweets.

When I was preparing for this contest I searched for the King of Fruits and found that this names is given to the fruit from South East Asia from island called Borneo and the fruit itself called Durian. What was interesting that its size could be approximately 30x15 cm and from outside has thorn covered outer cover, fleshy inner one. What I found that this fruit is sweet but it has very strong specific odour, some people hate that smell and it can last sometime for a long time. It was also mentioned that this fruit is banned in Singapore hotels due to its odour.

It is interesting to try this fruit, I will try to find it here, but now sure if it is possible to buy in Europe.




I hope you also learnt something interesting today and I would like to invite @dave-hanny, @meriseptriyanti @djvijay for the contest.


Trenner groß.png


  • Unbenanntg-1.png

Trenner groß.png

Planet Wild - restores the planet.



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