One picture one story: week #45

in Steem For Pakistanlast month

Greetings to the amazing people of this community, I am @tripple-e from Nigeria and I'm delighted to participate in this contest of one picture, one story week #45 organized by @suboohi; and I say thank you.

Snap with my phone

I was just wondering on what picture to use for this contest when I heard the clucking sound of a mother hen and her chicks at the backyard then I picked my phone and stepped out; hence this picture.

So when I got outside, I got fascinated so I stood and was observing the activities of the hen; how she would use her legs and mouth to scattered the ground in search of food for her chicks, then she would cluck! cluck! cluck! she won't eat the food herself but rather she would beckon on her chicks to come to where she was so they could eat whatever she found.

Then I began to ponder; isn't she hungry, what happens to her, she also has the tendency of feeling hungry then how come she's not eating; then I heard a whisper in my right ear👂 saying "that is a mother's love my dear she will put her children first before herself". Then I remembered how my mother used to preserve the last portion of food for us to come back from school and eat while she would go hungry, when asked why she was not eating, she will respond that her intestine is stronger than ours. Imagine!.

One of the outstanding quality of a mother hen is her "protective nature". For instance: if she perceived any lurking danger, she will give her chicks a signal that would make all of them ran into hiding or they will run to her and she will cover or shield them under her wings and she can remain there for hours as long as her chicks are safe, then she'll bring them out when the coast is clear, Such a wise and great mother.

And again I related the scenario to a human being; A mother can go extra miles and any length just to make sure her children feed. She's selfless just like the hen and extremely protective of her children; if a hen could be caring and protective of her own, then a mother is expected to do better than a mere animal.



I invite @inspiracion @bela90 @loolluv

 last month 

You're right friend, mothers hen possess a lovable quality more than some of the mothers. If you can observe, hardly you see them pursuing their children away especially when they're in danger but looking at some mothers around us, you will even regret them been a mother.

God will give all the mothers grace to have love to all their children.

Amen. You have well observed, thank you for Reading

 last month 

Thanks for your participation. Best of luck for the contest.

Thank you so much

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