"WhatsApp: My View, Myself Wk14"

in Steem For Pakistan5 months ago

Greetings Everyone

How was your day,? Am happy is weekend and I have alot of things to do this weekend. I recently came across this contest and I really love the word so much, this contest host is known for creating amazing contests here in steemit, I won't be surprised when he will use my username as his word for a particular week 😂. Alot of steemians will begin to talk about me.


What do you understand by the word WhatsApp?

WhatsApp is a mobile application that is used to connect with our family members and friends, alot of people love this app because is really amazing and unique, is also filled with alot of features that makes it's users enjoy it more. I remember when I wasn't yet a WhatsApp user, I used to see alot of people that are WhatsApp user, talking about the application.

I was always curious about it I was only on Facebook then and most people used to ask for my WhatsApp number but I used to tell them sadly, that am not in WhatsApp. I was very sure that I will be a WhatsApp user someday and am happy that am currently one. The app is really nice and I must say that I enjoy it all the time.

Do you have a WhatsApp account, if yes tell us your WhatsApp experience?


Yes I do have a WhatsApp account and I enjoy using this app alot because is very standard. Joining groups and gisting with my peers us a very wonderful thing I love so much about this app. I used to hear that alot of people WhatsApp number got banned and I always wonder the crime they committed that made their number to be banned. Most of them end up getting their account back and they always get excited about it. I love WhatsApp alot, is more matured than Facebook.

Mention two features you wish WhatsApp had.

Search friends : I wish there's a place in WhatsApp where we can search for people through their WhatsApp nicknames. I love WhatsApp alot but getting many contacts isn't an easy thing at all. I just hope such feature comes soon.

Reels: I also wish there's a special place where we can also watch reels in WhatsApp, the app will be more interesting. I love watching reels in Facebook and TikTok alot.

Discord or Instagram, What's your favourite?


I think I prefer **Instagram, this app is very nice and we always get the opportunity to see real videos of our celebraties because 90% of them have Instagram accounts. We get closer to our celebraties through Instagram especially when they are the ones managing their account themselves. Am currently not in Instagram and once I buy a new phone I will register for the app. Thanks for reading.

I invite @eliany, @patjewell @goodybest and @josepha to participate in this contest.

 5 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!😊

Sería fantástico buscar amistades por medio del buscador de WhatsApp; esta particularidad le daría más proyección de red social y, en vista de que esa es la intención que tiene, es una excelente manera de avanzar a dicho nivel.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

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