Today my article about Complete information about mustard crop 21-02-2022

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Complete information about mustard crop

mustard crop

Which varieties of mustard are suitable for cultivation in Punjab?

Crops Canola, Ari Canola, Super Raya, Super Canola, Punjab Canola are suitable for cultivation in Punjab.

What is the best time for mustard cultivation?

Mustard cultivation should be completed by mid-September to end of October for North Punjab and 1st October to end of October for Central and South Punjab.

How much is the seed rate for mustard cultivation?

2 kg per acre seed rate is suitable for mustard cultivation.

Which method of cultivation is suitable for mustard?

Cultivation of Vitra by drill mustard is most beneficial.

How often should the mustard crop be irrigated?

Mustard crop should be irrigated three times. First irrigation 30 days after sowing, second irrigation at flowering and third irrigation at seed formation.

How much fertilizer should a mustard crop receive?

At the time of sowing, one and a half sacks of DAP, one sack of potassium sulphate and one sack of urea per acre should be applied with pre-watering.

Cultivation of Mustard Turiya and Raya

  • The population of Pakistan is increasing day by day, while on the other hand, the country is suffering from shortage of edible oil and this shortage is increasing due to the daily increase in population and the increasing use of lubricants in the diet. Domestic production is not able to support the demand.
    Pakistan produces a part of the total requirement of edible oil by itself, while the remaining two-thirds is imported by spending a lot of money, which burdens the government with billions of rupees. It should be noted that the traditional oil producing crops in our country are mustard and turia and are second in terms of production reliability. are present

Recommended varieties

  • Punjab Faisal Kanula Khanpur Raya DGL High Ola 401 Raya Anmol Khanpur Raya Turia SA Rohi Sarson (KN 259) and Super Raya (KJ 206) are the recommended varieties of Mustard Turiya and Raya which are being cultivated successfully in all irrigated areas of Punjab. The average yield of the commodity is 30 to 35 maunds per acre

Land preparation and cultivation time

  • Flatness of the land is very important for the cultivation of Mustard Turiya and Raya. My land is better for the cultivation of these crops because it has a high water absorption capacity. And for the cultivation of raya, trotra is required. In case of dry weather, the seed is mixed with moist soil and kept for 6 or 7 hours. The land should be prepared well by plowing

  • Due to the recent rains in the rainfed districts of Punjab, cultivation of Raya Anmul should be completed by September 15 and Turiya by September 30. The cultivated crop is protected from black oil attack

Cultivation method and seed rate

  • One and a half to two kilograms of mustard and thuria seeds per acre should be used to protect the crop from seed-borne diseases. Small seed should be cultivated in the field by means of drill or pore. If the field is in a slope, it should be staked with a
    rudder and the seed should be drilled in the prepared land. Do not go too deep, otherwise the yield will be reduced. Keep the distance between the rows 45 cm. If a drill is not available, it should be spread after ploughing, and to get better results, it is necessary to mix moist soil with the seed and spread it once lengthwise and the other time in width direction.

Use of chemical fertilizers

  • Chemical fertilizers are an elixir for plants. In present conditions, soil fertility and chemical fertilizers are closely related. In the light of soil analysis, chemical fertilizers should be used in mustard, thuria and raya crops keeping in mind the fertile soil. One bag of DAP with half a bag of urea and half a bag of potassium sulphate per acre or one bag of TSP with one bag of urea and half a bag of potassium sulphate per acre.

Irrigation and weed control

  • Mustard and Turiya Raya crops generally require 3 to 4 irrigations. These traditional oil crops should be given first irrigation 15 to 20 days after sowing, second irrigation at flowering and third irrigation at seed formation. After sowing of Mustard Turiya and Raya crops in herbaceous fields, S-metachlor should be sprayed at the rate of 800 ml per 100 liters of water.

Control of harmful insects

  • Termite: This insect resembles an ant and is light yellow in color. It lives in the form of a family by making a house inside the ground. For the prevention of termites, rotted manure should be used in the fields instead of fresh manure and the weeds should be destroyed in time. Chlorpyrifos poison should be flooded at the rate of one and a half to two liters per acre while doing irrigation.
  • Locust or thief insect At the initial stage after the cultivation of mustard and raya crops, locust or toka is attacked, due to which the production of these crops can be significantly reduced. It eats the plants. For their timely control, the weeds on the field furrows and vines should be destroyed. The crop should be watered. They eat the stems, due to which the stems are found fallen. Do not hunt the birds that eat the sundaes. should be destroyed

  • Mustard oil moth This is a very important pest of mustard and thuria. This pest is large in size and greenish yellow in color. The larvae and adults of this moth are found in the same place in the form of pods. Sap-sucking flowers fail to form pods and attacked pods do not form healthy seeds. The process is severely affected. For timely control of this pest, the field should be kept free from weeds. Be released in infested fields

Mustard sawfly

  • The color of the moth is dark greenish-black and the body is wrinkled with five black stripes on the back.The butterfly is orange-yellow in color. In case of severe infestations, the plants fail to set seeds, the field should be kept free of weeds and beneficial insects should be encouraged.

  • Cabbage butterfly: The color of the butterfly is yellow and yellowish in the initial state and later turns greenish. The adult butterfly is white in color. There are black spots on the top and bottom.This insect attacks occasionally and its pods damage oil crops.The first stage of the pod only scratches the surface of the leaves but the later stage eats the whole leaf starting from the edges only. Veins of the leaves remain. Egg clusters and pods should be collected from small plots and destroyed by hand, as the attack is in the form of patches, so instead of the whole field, spray on the affected parts. In case of severe attack of mustard butterfly and cabbage Recommended poisons should be sprayed with the advice of local agricultural experts of Punjab Agriculture Department

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Thanks for sharing very informative tutorial about mustard crops and their complete aknowldged with respect to their fertilization and cultivation. Keep sharing quality contents ahead. Thanks for active engagement too. :)

 last year 

Ufff these mustards are so enchanting, beautiful post🙌👌

 last year 

First of all photos was very nice and you gave us many informative knowledge about mustard crop...
Thankx for sharing .

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