Contest Alert:1 picture 1 Story Week #51

in Steem For Pakistan3 days ago

Hello and Namste my steemian Family,

This is my participation in the contest” Contest Alert:1 picture 1 Story Week #51 by @suboohi in Steem For Pakistan

I also want to invite here

On Naseem's son's birthday, both the husband and wife always went to the orphanage, leprosy ashram, old age home and gave some donation or gift and they got a lot of happiness in it.

He used to think that by giving some momentary happiness to the needy, they can earn happiness for themselves too.

And on his child's 10th birthday, he told his wife that I don't want you to cook food for them this time. It would be better if you buy some raw food for them from the market which they can eat for a week.

And this time we will feed twenty beggars, maybe they will be happy, Naseem's wife also liked this idea.

Naseem withdrew some money from his bank and both husband and wife went to the market,

On reaching the market, they saw that things have changed, there has been a lot of inflation, but still with that amount they can buy a lot for twenty beggars.

Both of them bought all the things needed by the beggars and went home. There was still a lot of money left in Naseem's wallet.

We tried to wake up early the next day so that we could pack everything to give them.

Before leaving the house, Naseem had a chat with his wife, telling her, "I suggest you leave your phone at home because we can never tell how bad the place will be.

You know we are going to a slum area and you know what the atmosphere is like there,"

But Naseem's wife brushed it off and said, "It doesn't matter. It's not like we are going to a crowded place. We are just going to give gifts to those people and come back home,"

But then she understood and agreed with Naseem, and he showed wisdom by leaving his phone at home.

But despite her advice, Naseem kept his mobile phone and wallet with him.

And then unfortunately, things didn't go as planned. When the two of them reached there, they found a lot more beggars than they expected.



They knew they didn’t have enough gifts for them as they had only prepared packets to give to 20 people, so Naseem’s wife divided the gifts into two parts and started giving them one by one, until the beggars surrounded the two of them and started snatching.

They started begging them to give them something and honestly, they had nothing left. They all just wanted to make sure they got the packet, even though they knew very well that it might not be enough for all of them.

Naseem’s wife tried to stop them from surrounding them, but it was difficult to control them all.

Suddenly, Naseem felt that some of them had even picked up his personal belongings, but the space was so tight that he couldn’t even lift his bag to see if it was still safe.

Naseem just threw his stuff down and pulled himself out of the crowd and some of those beggars were still following him and asking him for money and packets. Naseem lost his temper and shouted at them and asked them to stay away.

Then Naseem checked his bag and found that the bottom of the bag was cut by a sharp object and his phone was nowhere to be found and his wallet was also missing.

His wife asked him "What's the problem?", but he couldn't say anything. He just had to show her his bag and she understood that his phone and wallet were missing. He also threw his remaining stuff on the floor while the beggars were struggling to take the stuff from him by lying on the floor.

It was very sad that he was trying to help some people but they were just thinking about stealing his property.

Since then, Naseem never liked giving help to beggars.

Thanks for reading my post, I pray to God for the progress and happy future of all Steemians

With Great love and honour,


 3 days ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Saludos amigo muchas gracias por la invitación muchas veces por error pensamos que todas las personas son buenas y honestas como nosotros y por confiados a veces estás personas nos hacen una trampa abusando de nuestra confianza y ayuda

 2 days ago 

Hola, amigo,@rosselena
Aceptaste mi invitación y además me dejaste un comentario muy hermoso, te lo agradezco desde el fondo de mi corazón. La mayoría de las personas en nuestra sociedad piensan sólo en su propio beneficio y por eso son egoístas y están dispuestas a hacer trampa. Pero si tenemos cuidado, enfrentaremos menos fraudes de este tipo.
con respecto

Hola señor @sur-riti es muy cierto a veces somos muy egoísta y pensamos solo en nosotros mismos y por eso muchas veces las personas pecan de tramposos por solo pensar en su propio beneficio

 2 days ago 

Hola mi amigo @rosselena
Les agradezco por leer mi historia y dar buenos comentarios sobre ella, por esto les agradezco sinceramente, esta historia es solo para indicar el sistema mafioso y su mentalidad, sí, siempre tenemos que tener cuidado con esas personas. No está bien volver a intentarlo. ,
Con respeto y mejores deseos.

Hello friend, what a pity, after they advised him not to carry his phone, he turned a blind eye and did not pay attention, then he lost his wallet and phone in the middle of so many hungry beggars, what a pity after what happened, Nassen lost interest in continuing to help the beggars.

 2 days ago 

Hello my friend @haidee
I thank you from my heart that you accepted my invitation and read my story and gave good comments on it. Through this story I have only tried to tell about mob system, we should be careful.

With respect and best wishes.

 2 days ago 

Thanks for your participation. Best of luck for the contest.

 2 days ago 

Thanks for your good wishes.

Hello your post of good intentions can sometimes lead to un expected problems. Its sad that Naseem tried to help but things did not go as planning. you shared an important message about being careful while helping others.

Best of luck...

 2 days ago 

Hello my friend @sarahisham
You read my story and gave a good comment on it, for this I thank you from the bottom of my heart, this story is only to indicate mob system and their mentality, not all people are like this. We face many good and bad people in this life.

Blessings and best wishes.

"WOW! 🤩 What a powerful and thought-provoking story, @sur-riti! ❤️ I love how you used this personal anecdote to highlight the importance of kindness and generosity, but also to show us that sometimes our good intentions can backfire. 😊 It's a great reminder to think critically about the impact of our actions and to prioritize self-care.

I'm sending you lots of positive vibes for participating in the Contest Alert:1 picture 1 Story Week #51 by @suboohi! 🎉 And I'd love to see more stories from you in the future!

By the way, have you heard about the amazing work that our witness @xpilar.witness is doing? 🌟 They're working tirelessly to improve and expand the Steem ecosystem. So, let's give them a shout-out! Can we show some love by voting for them? 🤝 Just head over to and cast your vote!

Let's keep the conversation going in the comments below! What are your thoughts on this story? Have you ever had a similar experience where things didn't go as planned? Share your stories, and let's learn from each other! 💬"

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