SEC-S17 /W4| "Why do you Prefer Steemit Only?

in Steem For Pakistan2 months ago

Hello,I'm @sumayaorin , from #Bangladesh

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Hello everyone , I hope all of you are doing great. So am I. I am really excited to participate in this steemit engagement challenge of "Why do You Prefer Steemit Only?". Lets get into it.
What were your hopes while signing up for Steemit for the first time?

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I was excited and hopeful when I first discovered Steemit in April 2023. I had been waiting for a forum where I could freely express myself as an enthusiastic writer with experience teaching English language teachers (ELLTs) and maybe make some money doing what I love. After recently becoming a mother and quitting my work, I saw Steemit as a chance to rekindle my love of writing and help our family out financially.

Your challenges faced while achieving your financial or blogging goals?

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When I originally signed up for Steemit, my goals were simple but lofty. I imagined a platform where I could make a consistent living from my material and share my ideas , observations and tales with a community of like minded people. As a stay at home mother , the idea of earning money from my writing was quite alluring, especially because of the freedom it provided.

Reality quickly dawned on me, though, and I saw that it would not be as simple as I had first thought to reach my financial and blogging objectives on Steemit. Even though I put my all into producing relevant material, the path to profitability turned out to be more difficult than I had anticipated. It was not easy to stand out from the sea of skilled creators because of the intense competition . To make matters more unpredictable, Steemit's incentives are based on the value of cryptocurrencies which is subject to fluctuations.
Your inspiration on Steemit?

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I remained committed to pursuing my dreams in spite of these obstacles. Rather, I perceived every setback as a chance for development and education. To get better at writing, I tried a variety of writing techniques, interacted with other Steemians, and aggressively sought out criticism. I was able to witness improvement via persistence and drive, even though it was happening more slowly than I had intended.

The sense of belonging and friendship that radiated from Steemit was among my biggest sources of inspiration. Even though Steemit was a decentralized network of people with different interests and backgrounds , it had the feel of a close knit family brought together by a love of expression and creativity . My faith in the strength of community and cooperation was reinforced by the support and inspiration I received from other Steemians through upvotes , comments and partnerships.
Your happy story due to Steemit?

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My experience on Steemit has not been without its difficulties and disappointments, but it has also included happy and fulfilling times. One such joyful tale is the result of the relationships and friendships I've formed on the platform. Through working together on projects and commemorating one other's accomplishments, these connections have improved my life in ways I never would have thought possible.

In summary , I would not have it any other way, but my time on Steemit has been a rollercoaster journey of highs and lows . Notwithstanding the challenges I've encountered , I am unwavering in my resolve to hone my skill, form deep connections and enjoy the trip no matter where it takes me . While my initial dreams and expectations were not entirely realized , Steemit has provided me with something far more priceless, a network of like minded individuals that share my enthusiasm for writing and creativity. And I definitely will always be appreciative of that.


I would like to invite my friends @waterjoe @eliany @goodybest @chant to participate in this contest


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My X/Twitter share link is 👉here

 2 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 2 months ago 

Hello friend
You have written enthusiastically well. Steemit is indeed a great place to be and I must say we all joined with so much enthusiasm but somewhere on the way we didn’t get all we quiet bargained but the journey hadn’t been all disappointing cos we have our high times and low times nevertheless we keep pushing and hoping for the best. The part of steemit Inlove so much is the part that I could do what I love and also earn from it as a prolific writer. Being a stay at home mum really required a flexible job and it’s good to know steemit came to the rescue despite the competition involved. The high and lows in the crypto asset is challenging but we steem on. It was great reading from you and hope to read more from you. Success


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