Sharing my general knowledge

in Steem For Pakistan3 days ago (edited)

Assalamu Alaikum

I am @sojib1996
From Bangladesh

How are you all? I hope everyone is well. Alhamdulillah I am fine too. Today I will be taking part in a beautiful contest of the steem for Pakistan community.

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Thank you so much @sahar78 for organizing such a beautiful event.

Smallest animal of world

Our world is full of thousands of animals. But let's discuss the smallest animal

*The name of the smallest animal in the world is Amoeba. Amoeba is a single-celled free-living organism. Their bodies are small. They cannot be seen without a microscope. They change body shape when necessary.


The finger-like projections from the body of the amoeba are called appendages. With its help, amoeba eats and moves. Amoeba's entire body is made up of thin and transparent membranes. Amoeba grows in water, in moist soil, and in rotting organic waste on the bottom of ponds.*

Biggest animal of world.

When we are faced with such a question, which is the largest animal on earth? Then the first thing that comes to mind is the elephant from our experience of knowing or seeing. Because we see them often.

Many of us know whales as fish, and there is reason to think so. Aquatic animals like whales and fish have tails. But thinking of whales as fish is a big mistake. Surprisingly, this mistake was among the experts. But surprisingly, the BC Greek philosopher Aristotle considered whales to be mammals. Biologists now agree that the whale is not a fish but the largest mammal on earth. We humans are also mammals.


Blue whales are about 110 feet long and weigh more than 173,000 kilograms, which is more than the weight of 25 elephants. The weight of the jib of this whale is equal to that of an elephant, about 3-5 thousand kg. The weight of the baby that the whale gives birth to is about 2,700 kg. This whale breathes with the help of its lungs. It can stay underwater for about two hours by drawing in a lot of air while breathing

King of fruits.

There are many varieties of fruits in our country, but there is no such delicious mango as mango. Mango is called the king of fruits because of its taste and many qualities. Raw mangoes are usually green and turn yellow when ripe.

This mango is available during summer. There are many varieties of mangoes such as Langra, Himsagar, Golapbhog, Rupali mango, Haribhanga, Chosha etc.


Not only taste and grain, mangoes have many nutrients and qualities. Mangoes contain vitamin A, vitamin C, minerals and a lot of iron. Which is very beneficial for our body. Pickles, juice jelly, sorbet etc. are made with this mango.

Although mango is a summer fruit. So eating this mango in summer heat provides relief from stroke and this mango is very beneficial for our body. Mango keeps our blood pressure and diabetes under control.

As mangoes are delicious to eat and full of nutrients, this fruit has been identified as the national fruit of Pakistan, India, Philippines.

I would like to invite my friends @cruzamilcar63 @wealth2 and @philpotg to take part in the contest.

Best Regards, @sojib1996

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