Weekly contest: Best Diary Game ✨Activities of the whole day✨

in Steem For Pakistan5 months ago (edited)

Assalam-o-Aliakum Everyone 🍀.

How are you all?
I hope you are good am also very good and it's a blessing.
Today,I would love to share my day with you I hope you had good time while reading my diary.
I would like to invite my friends to participate in this amazing contest.



✨A Beautiful Day(25/03/2024)(Monday)✨

It's a Ramadan month in Pakistan really calm and peaceful month of the whole year which i loved the most but really crowded in the evening.Last night my tailor asked me to pick your dress after aftari it's almost ready.


Dress is ready.

As he said I take my younger daughter with me and in a few minutes of walk we finally reached .My dress was ready and hang beautiful at the corner .Before packing I checked the dress again and pay bill and came back home.My stres was relief little bit.Due to Ramadan most of the tailor are closed for booking and thankfully my dress was ready before time.I was so sleepy so I sleep on time last night and had a beautiful sleep.


The sunlight touched my face through the window and I feel the warmness of sunlight.Todsy is sunny day and little warm compares to others day.I get up and wash up my face and asked my daughters to wake up and had a breakfast with me.I was hungry and also it's already 10 o'clock morning so technically we are late.Routine must be fine when their colleges are open again.I didn't had mod to eat pratha so I asked my daughter to let's go the market with me to bought bread of some eggs for the dinner and the other one is start making the tea.
Warm morning.Breakfast


After having a breakfast I asked m daughters to clean the house.It was little messy then I go to the rooftop to the checked the water tank because I didn't wake up early today for the water but the water is not enough for the whole day. Switched on the motor and thankfully the tank start filling up with the water in summer almost everyone face a Problem with the water storage.


Books and 📚

While the tank was filling my eyes stuck on the burden of books which spread everywhere in the room.I always told them to keep it on a book shelf but they didn't.I arranged the book according to my knowledge and it's take my a lot of time.I didn't plan to do this long time but I don't even realized when I was stuck in this situation.


It's already evening I totally forget about my medicine.I immediately grabbed the prescription and heads to the medical store before it's closed. I tell him that my flue was worse that why he gave me another packet of antibiotics I hope I gonna work.I was hungry and I didn't cook anything for the dinner so In my way I stopped at the bakery and bought some kind of salad for the kids and came home.

Some clicks in the evening.


Thank you ❤️.


Best regards from your author.



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