Flowers play an important role in human life by providing fragrance and many other benefits

in Steem For Pakistanlast year

Assalam Alaikum dear friends how are you I am fine and I hope all of you friends are also fine and enjoying the full joys of life every human being tries to keep his life happy but it is up to the individual. This is the reason why Allah Almighty has kept this whole system for man. Suffering is not just a matter of man and it is the system of the power of Allah Almighty and we are all very happy with the system of his power.


Flowers play an important role in human life.World Flower Day is celebrated all over the world.Many people love rose.Many people love chambeli. Many people like pink flowers. What kind of flowers do people like? Anyway, flowers are valued very much because flowers always bring happiness in human life.


Flowers have innumerable benefits Flowers are placed in offices Flowers are placed in schools Flowers are arranged in schools Financially manage and water and protect their outposts These flowers Shoes are worthy of respect, if we do not protect them, the flowers will die. If they get water on the grave, they should be cared for on time and the whole system is on time, then the flowers remain beautiful and human. Life continues to have these fragrances which is a good practice and every person values ​​flowers and tries to take care of flowers because they provide countless benefits to a person.


People of other countries do not know how flowers are used, but in Pakistan they are used in a special way, for example, flowers are used a lot during weddings and other events. For example, if a special guest comes to our area, we also welcome him with flower leaves, and flowers are also used in the cemetery in our area, if someone dies there. Flowers are also placed on his grave and flowers are used in many other places which is a good practice as the flower is used for perfumes as well as other purposes. It is known to be sweetened into pastes and then used in medicine.


 last year 

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Yes, no doubt. Presence of flowers in our life have miracle impact. Definitely everyone love to plant and want to it's company for taking fresh air and smelling peaceful fragrance as well. Thanks for sharing it's significance for us.
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 last year 

Your are right flowers are very important in human life.

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