SEC-S17 /W3| "Imaginations do happen real!"

in Steem For Pakistan3 months ago
Greetings the lovely community, Steem For Pakistan

Better late than never! So here I am with my entry to participate in this week's challenge announced Participation link

Let me follow the regulations first so that nothing can interrupt my imagination!

That is something I learned from one person;
So let me invite her first @patjewell, @goodybest and @sampabiswas.

Well! Now, I can share my perspective calmly because I ticked all the regulations mentioned in the post. Let's get started.

What do you understand by imagination?
(Can you see the aeroplane? The imagination of Wilbur and Orville Wright proves imagination can become real

According to me, imagination is something that helps us to determine our goals. If we can't stretch our imagination
of course, with the practical base, we can't chase them to accomplish.

Imagination sometimes helps us to find our inner abilities that we often can't see.


Let me give you an example:-

A river imagines it will meet the sea one day, and thus, it continues flowing by facing the hurdles;
that come in its path. As a result, one day, it reaches the destination of its imagination.

What's the coolest thing you love imagining?

I am a big fan of thriller novels, and my imagination is to publish a thriller novel in the future.

The story is ready(real life) and kept in my mind as of now as an imagination;
but once I establish this platform, my earnings will be a bit more stable (As I need to manage everything alone), and then I will begin working on my novel. That is a wish and tribute to my parents as a daughter.
I will live many more years through that book.

Do you believe there are some positive imaginations we can make real?

I already cited it's achievable to give our imaginations a reality;
if we think practically and chase them with our determination.

We all know the life story of the KFC owner! Nothing can stop us if we follow the path of honesty and hard work.

It is only a matter of how long we can hold them inside.

Imagine the world is going to end next week. What will you do now?

If so!
Then, I would share my story on the steemit platform;
because we all are aware that nothing can be deleted from the blockchain once created.

That would give me self-satisfaction.
However, that doesn't matter because if the world is going to end, then nothing will be left behind.

But, internal contentment will function before leaving the world.
That is something essential for me.

We all must work for self-satisfaction and live our lives according to the pleasure of our souls.

Time is precious! No matter whether the world is going to end next week or not! We all have to say goodbye one day;
Before that, live life king-size and value each moment.

Life is too short to hold toxic experiences;
It's better to leave a virginal footmark.

That's all from my end. I am eagerly waiting to read my friend's perspective,
through posts and comments regarding the subject.

Stay blessed, happy, and healthy, and don't forget to give wings to your imagination!




¿Hola cómo estás?

de acuerdo contigo de tomar la imaginación como una herramienta y en esa herramienta un espacio creativo que fluye como dices tú como el río hacia un destino que sería la meta y en todos esos obstáculos es donde debemos enfocarnos y poner bastante empeño para lograr los objetivos

sabes que a mí también me encanta la historia del dueño de Kfc imagínate a los 65 años si mal no recuerdo comenzó ese sueño y con perseverancia logró hasta después de su muerte tener una de las cadenas de pollo más grandes del mundo lo visualizó y lo construyó orientadamente

Qué bueno que quieres escribir una novela de suspenso la publicas por acá para que la podamos leer

Gracias por compartir

Un abrazo


 3 months ago 

Sending you thousands hugs 🤗 my friend,
Indeed! Colonel Harland David Sanders(owner of KFC) influence us to not give up in life no matter what is our age! He proved age is just a number and we can start if we have eager to fight, and we set our goals ;
then everything is possible.

 3 months ago 

Postingan anda sangat bagus bu, imajinasi adalah khayalan yang terdapat di dalam pikiran kita, itu sesuatu yang membuat kita menentukan suatu hal atau tujuan.

Butuh tekad dan semangat untuk mencapainya, jika kita berimajinasi dan kita yakin akan bisa meraihnya dan juga mencapainya maka yang kita perlukan adalah kerja keras dan waktu.

Imajinasi anda sangat indah dan kuat. Di masa depan anda ingin menerbitkan novel thriller 😍 waw itu impian yang menyenangkan. Saya juga suka beberapa cerita thriler karena cerita di dalamnya penuh misteri dan menegangkan.

Semoga sukses teman😇

 3 months ago 

Thank you my friend for appreciates my dream and wishing me.
You know the almighty gives equal chance to everyone but some can grab them and some missed that is the only difference.

 3 months ago 

Hello dear!

Your vivid portrayal of imagination as a tool for goal setting and self discovery resonates deeply. Keep nurturing your creative spirit and pursuing your dreams with determination.Wish you success

 3 months ago 

Greetings to you ma'am
You have perfectly said it all ma', and I agree with you that we all need to give our imaginations a reality; I enjoyed reading your post it was really great🫶 I wish you good luck with the contest 🎉

 3 months ago 

Your entry for the challenge sounds captivating and full of positive energy. I especially liked how you tied imagination to personal goals and the pursuit of happiness. It is inspiring to see your dedication to writing a thriller novel and your belief in turning positive imaginations into reality through determination and hard work. Keep nurturing your creativity and continue spreading positivity.

 3 months ago 

Assalamu aleikum, I hope you are doing well @sduttaskitchen. I am lucky to have come across your post because I have learnt a lot from your post. I was participating in this challenge so before that I wanted to learn by checking everyone's entries and I got the link to your post.

By giving the example of airplane and similar river, the river knows that one day it has to meet the sea, so it keeps flowing and keeps moving towards its destination. These examples of yours have increased my knowledge a lot and now I can easily write about this question.

And you have told that you are a big fan of thriller novels and you are imagining about publishing your thriller novel. And I hope you do so and your parents are lucky that they got a daughter like you and Insha Allah your earnings will also be good and you will also get time to write novels.

 3 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

to publish a thriller novel

Oh wow!!! I did not see this coming! Well done.
I've always said that those with good imaginations will make good thriller authors. (•ิ‿•ิ)

South Africa's most current author writes thrillers. They are now even making series and films based on his books.

I can only wish you ALL the best for this dream of yours!
Just remember, a book must have a start. So, start writing!

I wish you all the best, not only for your book but also for this contest!
PS: Thank you for the invite! 🎕

 3 months ago 

Can you share the name of the author?
I would love to read them online if I could find out.

A portion I already started and it's saved in my notepad. Nowadays I am not getting much time because can't ignore practical hurdles which I need to manage every day.
But I will surely try in the future, I have already spoken with a publisher in Kolkata.
Thank you for your encouraging words and response to my invitation.

Here you go!

He is absolutely awesome! Truly an icon in South Africa.
What I also LOVE about him is that, despite his fame, he is so down to earth and a people person.

Fingers crossed that you find a book of his.

As for a publisher for your book, Wow! That is awesome.
The moment you see one of your books on a shelf in a bookstore is incredible!

Go for it!

 3 months ago 

Thank you I will try to find out, thank you for your blessings!

Pleasure! 🎕

Hola amiga @sduttaskitchen

Que hermosa meta tienes de publicar tu libro. Bien por eso. Con la imaginación todo se puede. A cada sueño tenemos que ponerle acción.

Mil bendiciones para ti 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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