Sharing my general knowledge

Sharing my general knowledge.jpg


Hello hope so everyone will be fine today am participating is the superb contest this is organized by @sahar78 this topic that the invollves some mathematicals to pleasures and a bit of geographies.

  • Life is full of numbers to the from the beat to seconds on a clock to the boundarys of nations.this is while the some numbers measures to our time on Earth on others mark the control of the countrys. today am the invollving to the calculatings on the time in seconds on the calculate to my age in seconds & recognize the minute in nation in the worlds.

How many seconds in one year


To how many seconds are in one year we start with the basics

1 minute = 60 seconds
1 hour = 60 minutes = 3600 seconds
day = 24 hours = 86,400 seconds
1 year = 365 days (ignores jump years

So that the number of seconds in one year is the

  • 86,400 sec / day multiply 365 days = 31,536,000 seconds/year

  • there are 1,536,000 seconds in a classic year..

Calculate your current age in seconds.


My current age is 21 years and I am calculating it in seconds using both non jump years and leaps to years.

Non leap the year 365 days

one year = 31,536,000 seconds

Leap year 366 days

1 leap year = 31,622,400 sec

Asuming there are about 5 leap years with in 21 years to the calculation

16 multiply 31,536,000 sec plus 5 multiply 31,622,400 sec

This equals a totally to of 662,688,000 sec for my curent age of 21 years.

Which is world's smallest country?


The world of the minnor country is Vatican city to a a tiny independent on a state locating on with in the city of Rome & Italy to a covering only 44 hectares to its the smallest country by the both area & population to all for its sizess to vactican city is hugelly signifficant as the relligious and adminisstrative center of the Roman divering church. It is the residense of the Pope and home to many importantanse relligious & traditional sites counting St. Peter on Basilica and the vaticans city Museumes.


At the end of post am inviting the steemit fellows i invite to call the @lirvic , @m-fdo & @claritza42..

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