My women's day celebration

in Steem For Pakistan4 months ago (edited)



How are you? I hope you are all well. I am also perfectly well by the grace of Allah. I am grateful to The Steemit team for giving us a new week and a new engagement to write and share our thoughts. Thanks to steem for this beautiful contest. Let's share our thoughts on this topic.

Why should we celebrate Women's Day?

It is said that the existence of women is due to the existence of the universe, which means that the existence of women is the splendor of the world. All the colors in the world are due to the existence of women. Because it is the woman who brings the man into the world.

A woman is beautiful in every form, whether she is a mother, daughter, sister or wife. Our religion has given a special place and a special honor to women. The rights and duties of a woman have been described in a very good way. As a relationship of respect, the most worthy and honorable relationship in the world is that of a mother, so we should celebrate women's day to celebrate this relationship.

If they do all then those women who are not aware of their rights are illiterate, those who do not have awareness about this thing too. We should also celebrate Women's Day because what is Women's Day highlights the special position and status of women.

On Women's day of 2024, which lady do you want to highlight which has been influential to you in your life?

mother-and-daughter-3281388_1280 (1).jpg
The person who has influenced my life the most, you could say, to keep me on a good track, is my mother. I think that the relationship of a mother is the kind of relationship that you cannot find anywhere in the world, very compassionate, very loving, very respectful.

@sahar78 It is a mother who encourages us to fall down and get up. It is a mother who hides our mistakes. It is a mother who tells us how to live with respect in society.

I think my mother was the most beautiful woman in the world who took me through the highs and lows of time. May Allah grant her a high place in Jannat al-Firdous, Ameen

Have you celebrated this women's day of 2024?

As you all know, every country has its own way of celebrating Women's Day, so the women's day marches are attended by those who belong to a more liberal society or family. But I celebrated women's day in a way that I didn't participate in any march, but I wore very nice clothes at home.


I made good recipes for myself. I gave them to my sisters-in-law and I ate them myself, so that's how I ate them. Do the things that make you happy, remind you of your status and that's how the day went.

Have women gained their equal rights after a lot of celebrations of Women's day?

Have women gained their equal rights after a lot of celebrations of Women's day? (What opinion do you have on it)

I don't think that even after so many urban marches, women are given their basic rights or equal rights. Our society is a society of men in which men are placed in a higher position. When it comes to equal rights, there are very few societies where women are given a special status, equal rights are a matter of course.

There are two sides to the picture. One is that women are demanding more than their rights, which is not at all right for their dignity. The second is that those who fly in this way try to be dominant over the disease, trying to degrade the male while the male is the crown of the female.


Equal rights will be given to women only when things are understood both by men and women and this is possible only through education.

I would like to invite my three friends

Thanks for reading my post.

♥️♥️ Best Regards ♥️♥️
♥️♥️ @Samina-meenu ♥️♥️


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