Contest Alert ⚠️ 1 Picture 1 Story Week #72
Hello friends, this is my post today.
This picture talks about cassava and what you can use it for; we can use cassava for many things.
FUFU; we can use cassava to do fufu when you go to the farm and Root the cassava, after rooting it you will carry it home and pill it we use a knife to pill cassava, then you will wash it very well with spunch and water, then you will cut it into pieces and put it inside rubber and soak it in water until after three days. After Three days, you will remove it and wash it; after soaking the fufu, you Will put it inside a sack and leave it until the next day. Then when you want to cook it, you will put it inside waterproof first before boiling it, then you will remove it and pound it.
GARRI; we can use cassava to do garri, first of all, you will go to the farm as usual, root the cassava come back home pill it with your tools like a knife, and after pilling it you will wash it as usual, then you carry it the grinding machine which is made up of wood and iron, you grand by stating granding machine and put the cassava inside and grading it if you want it to be yellow you will add palm oil on it. Then you will carry it to the jack and the use of the jack is to dry the cassava water. After putting it inside the jack then you will live until the next day. When you come the next day, you remove it and filter it. Our garri filter is made up of net and wood; when you put the garri inside, you will use your hand to filter it. Then you will fry it, how to fry garri, first of all, you will put your firewood under the frier, the frier means the frying pan, after making the fire you will allow the pan to pan to hot for some time then you will fry the chaff to clean the pan before frying your garri.
I hear by mention