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RE: SEC-S17 / W2 | What if you were the president of your country?

You have really said a whole lot of things which is needed to be done in the society and the truth is if only a whole lot of people can see this and work towards it, the country will be in a much more better place it is right now. The truth of the matter is I always believed that there are better things that can be done in the country. Quite a pity that our leaders are corrupted and they are not actually seeing what we are seeing here. Innocent citizens are suffering because of this and because leaders are just obsessed about them getting their own rewards alone which should not be so.

One of the thing that I really have noticed is those government that should actually make the change are not doing it. Our country will have really been a better place to be only if we have good leaders who also have the intentions of the citizens in their mind. But they are not actually seeing it and that is the result for it. If we can have good leaders all around our countries, our world will really be in a much more better place than it is actually right now. The change must actually start from us. If we can see it from our side, then it will be much more in the standard of living of people actually.

Just like you said, stepping into the president is really a great shoe that requires a lot of determination and commitment to do. We really need to put in our work to it to actually make sure that it actually works out quite well. With what you have said, I have no doubt that you are the man for the job and I believe if you are made to become the president of the country, there will certainly be a whole lot of things you will definitely change in your country. Trust me a whole lot of presidents need to come learn a lot from this post. Thank you so much for sharing this with me. I really appreciate because trust me I really quite learn a lot beyond my imagination

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