"Contest Alert !!! || "Domestic Violence". By @rossnenye

in Steem For Pakistanlast month
Hello everyone, good morning to you all. Hope you all had a wonderful night rest? Welcome back to my blog.


What do you know about Domestic Violence? Explain in 2 paragraphs.

This can be defined as a pattern of character exhibited by one partner in a relationship in other to exert authority and control on the other partern. It usually comes in form of physical, emotional, sexually and psychological abuse.

Briefly Explain at least three main types of domestic Violence.


  • Physical abuse

This includes afflicting physical pain on someone which comes in form of hitting, kicking, slapping, pushing.

  • Emotional abuse

This is the type of abuse that involves using actions and word to hurt someone. It comes in form of name-calling, insulting and belittling someone.

  • Sexual abuse

This type of abuse occurs when there is sexual intercourse without someone's consent. It comes in form of rape, sexual assault e.t.c.

  • Psychological abuse

This is a type of abuse that comes in form of intimidation, manipulation, emotional blackmail, gaslighting etc

Why is it important to raise awareness about domestic violence in society?


It is very important to raise awareness about domestic violence in our society because of the following reasons.

  • Prevention

So many people are ignorant about their rights in their homes, especially women who are the weaker sex. Creating this awareness will help people to know the signs and also know when to walk away.

  • Saving lives

Through raising awareness about domestic violence, alot of lives would be saved.

  • Preventing stigmatization

Awareness creation will help to reduce stigma that comes with domestic violence and also help victims to seek for help.

  • Seeking help

Most victims of domestic violence are usually ashamed to seek for help, but awareness will help them to speak up and not die in silence.

Have you ever seen a real case of domestic Violence in your life? Tell us about it.

Yes, I have witnessed a real case of domestic Violence. So few years back in the house where we lived. This man was living in one of the flats with his wife and three children. The family was living in peace, things because hard for them when the man had a setback in his business and things because difficult for them. The whole family depended on the wife's small foodstuff shop for survival. The man started beating the wife at any slightest provocation. He always steal her money and spends it on drinking. Nobody in the house we live could call him to order. People advised the women so many times to separate from the husband both she refused. After awhile, the Landlord asked them to vacate the house so that they won't kill someone in his house.

In conclusion, domestic violence is bad and have so many deadly consequences. Thanks for reading through my post, I invite @ovulama, @bessie2023 and @adachukwu to participate in this contest.



But why will someone be ashamed to speak up on life-threatening issues like domestic abuse, It is very important to educate people on awareness so that they will help in preventing this bad influence in the society, good luck with the contest

 last month 

You have written so well so many people are ignorant of their right and when to speak up that is the reason why their abusers take advantage and manipulate them.
Good luck with the contest.

 last month 

Thanks dear.

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