Contest Alert | Food Captured with Yummy Thoughts | Season 13

in Steem For Pakistan6 months ago
Assalam -o- Alaikum

Healthy food is food that is good for the body and can slim the body, keep the skin bright and the body fresh.jpg


Greetings from me,

Friends, you all are very welcome to my beautiful competition today. I hope you all are happy and enjoying delicious food in your life. Today I am participating in this beautiful competition whose topic is very interesting. I would like to thank @artist1111 for organizing this competition. Without wasting much time, let me start my competition with the questions asked in this competition.

What makes your chosen dish so special to you?

Today I am sharing with you my favorite dish. My favorite dish is cashew masala which I like very much. I find this dish very tasty. I mostly like to eat this dish in restaurants. But this dish is also very easy to prepare at home. We can make it easily in less time. It is made from roasted cashews tomatoes, onions, and spices. Gravy is made from all these things and it is cooked. This vegetable tastes very tasty. Everyone likes to eat this dish.


This dish is mostly prepared for festivals and special occasions like birthdays or marriages. We can eat this vegetable with chapatti or paratha. Everyone from children to elders likes to eat this vegetable with pleasure. I also like cashews very much, so if this dish is made by adding cashews, I like it more. We like eating cashews very much and this dish prepared with cashews also turns out to be tastier than the one made by adding cashews.


What is the story of your food captured photos ?

This is my favorite dish that I have shared with you. I took this two days ago. When I was going to my village, I was feeling very hungry on the way. There was nothing to eat on the way. But when we went a little further, we saw a restaurant. Where food was available. So my husband and I went to that restaurant. Going there, I ordered my favorite cashew masala dish. I love cashew masala so I ordered my favorite dish. This dish was very well prepared in that restaurant. I had also ordered chapati to eat this vegetable. My husband and I both ate this vegetable with chapatti. It was very tasty to eat.


When this dish was prepared and placed in front of me, I kept looking at this cashew masala dish for some time. It also looked very tasty. This dish was decorated in such a way that anyone would feel like eating it after seeing this dish. Along with the dish, it is important to properly decorate the food in the dish. Because just by seeing many dishes we get to know their taste.


What emotions do you wish to convey?


This dish is a famous dish which everyone likes to eat. After preparing it, green coriander and cheese are added to it, which enhances the beauty of this dish. This dish is available in any restaurant and we can easily eat it. We do not need many ingredients to prepare this dish and we can easily prepare it with a few ingredients in less time.

This dish is prepared using cashew nuts. Cashews are beneficial for our body, hence eating this cashew masala does not cause any harm to us. This is a salty dish which we see on every occasion. Cashew is a dry fruit and there are many benefits of eating cashew. If we add this to any vegetable, the taste of the vegetable becomes better. Therefore, cashews are used to make this vegetable, which makes the dish of cashew masala very tasty. Adding cashew nuts to this dish makes it more delicious.


So, friends, this was my today's competition which I end here. See you again with new energy and a new competition. Thank you.


In this beautiful contest I would like to invite : @malikusman1 @shabbir86 @janemorane @abuse-watcher @solaymann


Contest Alert | Food Captured with Yummy Thoughts | Season 13


All Images by @pathanapsana



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 6 months ago 

There is no doubt that when we are born as children we don't know anything but we know that our parents have endured all the sufferings that we find ourselves in and for our life and they have They did not hesitate to make any kind of sacrifice to make our life better. Indeed, parents work like a complete pillar for us, who take all the pain and burden on us. Don't let it fall.

 6 months ago 

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Thank you so much 😊


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