title: SEC-S17 /W3| "Imaginations do happen real"



Warmest greetings from my own end, hope you all are doing perfectly okay and are also doing well at your respective place of work.
It another beautiful day again, and I specially welcome you to my blog, thank you for constantly visiting my blog, I love you all🥰

What do you understand by imagination?

Imagination is the ability to think of new ideas or thought of new exciting and beautiful things which doesn't necessarily exist in reality. What we imagine most atimes are not reality, but the good part of it is that we can make it to become reality.

Imagination can also be forming of amazing pictures in your mind, this pictures we often imagine, are what we haven't or are yet to experience, but then we wish to experience.

Imagination includes ideas, illusion, unreality, having insight, inspiration, vision, fancy, curiosity and interest etc.

We need to know that imagination is part of every human being, we imagine things alot, because it's the ability of the mind to think in pictures, it's also the key power of the human mind, and it also helps us to live morally.

Finally, it empowers us to be able to see the future though we are not there yet, so it fosters our future plans and decision making.

What's the coolest thing you love imagining?

There are a lot of things I love imagining, but then I will be mentioning just two of my favorites imaginations.



The first one is the imagination of how beautiful and successful I want and wish my future to be be. Each time I see successful women around me, I do imagine a lot and I am actually working very hard and tiredlessly to see that my imaginations about my future comes to reality. It's not just an idea but I really want it to come to pass in my life. I want to be a successful and fulfilled woman, so I imagine that a lot!!

The second imagination is about the kind of man I will love to get married to, how beautiful and happy I want my family to be, the kind of children I want to give birth to and how I will train them to become responsible, respectful and successful persons in the society. I use to imagine it often, I create ideas and pictures about this things alot. Infact I do this almost everyday of my life.

Among all my imagination this two are the ones I love the most. And I am praying fervently that it comes to pass in my life.

Do you believe there are some positive imaginations we can make real?

Yeah there are alot of positive imaginations that we can make real. What is required of us is just to work hard in order to achieve those imaginations or make them real.

For instance, my favorite imaginations that I mentioned above are actually positive imaginations and can be made real, if you pray and work towards achieving it, then there's nothing that will hinder it from becoming real.



Most atimes our imaginations doesn't come to pass, simply because we just imagined them, but we don't actually work towards achieving it. Imagination without work or action will just be an illusion, it won't come to reality.

Imagine the world is going to end next week. What will you do now?

Wow wow wow... this is actually a funny but a sensitive question!!

The first thing I will do is to amend my ways with God,I will ask for mercy and forgiveness of all my wrong doings. I will ensure that from now till next week I won't sin against God, cause we are meant to understand that after this life, that's if the world end then what will come after it is judgement. So because my goal is to make eternity, the first thing I will do is to reconcile with God. And then I will also ensure that I live at peace with everyone around me.

Aside that, I will also start eating all that I have actually worked for and saved all this years, though this might be quite funny Sha😁, but it's just part of my own imagination.

But so unfortunate, we don't actually know when the world is going to end, that why we are urge to always live right and at peace with people around us.

In summary, having the ability to think, create or form ideas, image or pictures in your mind that are not necessarily in existence, or you're yet to experience is termed, "IMAGINATION".

Thank you all for reading through my post🤍🤍. God bless you🙇🙇🙇

I invite @imadear, @irawandedy, and @patjewell to participate in this contest.

Regards @owulama🤗❤️

 last month 

Hello friend greetings to you, hope you are doing well and good there.

I really appreciate your beautiful post. You say Imagination is the ability to think of new ideas or thought of new exciting and beautiful things which might not exist in reality. Yes imagination is not necessary to be real. we can imagine unreal things too.

I wish you very best of luck in this contest.

Yes I am doing good and hope you're too!

Thank you so much for the wishes 🙇🙇🙇🙏

Hi, very true, we can imagine many things but if we don't work hard to achieve it it will only remain in our imagination. It is nice that you project yourself successful in those aspects of your life, to form a beautiful family is the yearning of most women.

And if the end of the world happens, it is ideal that we forgive ourselves and others, accept God's will and pray a lot, his heart is big and can forgive humanity, only he has the power.

Exactly..... imagination without works will result to nothing...

Thank you dear friend


You explanation of imagination is well, according to you, Imagination is the ability to think of new ideas or thought of new exciting and beautiful things which doesn't necessarily exist in reality. What we imagine most atimes are not reality. I impressed you words. Best wishes

Thank you so much

 last month 

Hello dear!

Your vivid descriptions of your favorite imaginations convey a sense of personal investment and determination to manifest your dreams into reality. By sharing your aspirations and the steps you're taking to achieve them you inspire others to reflect on their own dreams and take action towards fulfilling them. Your commitment to making your dreams come true serves as a motivating example for others to pursue their goals with passion and Good luck

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