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RE: SEC-S17 /W4| Why do you Prefer Steemit Only?

Hello Kitty, a pleasure to greet you and read you, the translation was good with some errors, but I hope I have grasped the information, it is true that what is earned within the platform would not be enough to live in a European country, in the end I feel than in almost any country, not even in Venezuela, which is where I am from. I understand your point and the criticism of the contests, since it is true, this week there are contests with questions that have already been asked in these 3 months, and again to write about the same thing, the desire to write inhibits you. I'm new, so I haven't reached that level you're at yet, but if I've been able to notice some things you write to us, I hope the content is read and taken into account, so that creative minds like yours can continue to feel motivated. . Much success and blessings.

 3 months ago 

Hi there,
Thanks for reading. You have level 64 so unless you bought Steem you can't be that new. 😉
It all depends on what you are looking for, why you join Steemit and what you join if it's worth to hang around.
Since January I am back for the 3rd time. I was asked to write but those who asked me all left. Steemit is not meant for writers or creative writing. It was about 5-6 years ago. Steemians even published books together.

People within the EU will have a hard time to use cryptocurrencies so most are not interested in investing. If you earn you also have the risk to pay taxes over it. How to change Steem into euro to use it? It took me several years to figure it out and I asked to add the currency!

I never earned much and what I had I sponsored contests with about 5 or 6 per week! So there was nothing left for me and since upvoting isn't a trend... As I gave up on the contests I lost all friends. 😐

I gave up on Steemit because I had hardly time to write.

Once back everything changed (well, the part of Steemit we 'live' in) there are 1001 rules to think about and again I have hardly time to write which is not what I want for me. So I will be more selective if it comes to joining contests.

If you like to try something new have a look at @freewritehouse @italy (you can find them through my entries too), @solperez hosts a great creative contest Art & Wrting and you can join the Dream Steem community.

Why joining those engagement contests? Perhaps to meet some other faces? Read, hoping for a good test but I will no longer focus on it since Q&A is not fun writing but making it easy to "write". These contests are about counting the comments left and there is a group using AI to comment.

Why exactly many hosts use the #creativewriting I will never understand since this is for sure not creative (stories, poems, crosswords, freewrites and so on are). Most likely communities do hardly communicate with each other or no one has a checklist of the topics of the past weeks or it's easy to copy the same contest in a different community?

I wish you fun on Steemit since that's what counts most. The rest is extra.
Thanks for reading and commenting.

Desde luego que lo haré, voy a revisar y a unirme a estas comunidades, creo que ya estoy en la de Dream Steem, pero como dices tampoco es que tengo todo el tiempo para poder revisarlas todas, a veces reviso las comunidades y si hay algún contenido que me atraiga para escribir lo hago, fuera de la SEC, o de vez en cuando escribo un diario corto como el de hoy, pero si hay que dedicarle tiempo, y hago muchas cosas en el día.

Y no, no he comprado steem, tengo 3 meses y un día si no me equivoco, la fecha está en mi perfil, pero no he dejado de escribir a diario, uno o dos articulos, y me siento afortunado, he podido ganar varios concursos y ser bendecido con varios votos, así que puedo decir que me ha ido genial en este tiempo.

Y siento lo mismo que dices, yo no ingresé acá para ganar dinero como meta principal, sino hacer crecer mi habilidad de redacción, de crear textos con poder, y mejorar siempre, porque el copywrite es una rama del diseño UX que me encanta, además soy músico y escribo mis canciones, leo mucho y eso me ha ayudado, también al ser diseñador, he creado portadas e imágenes que llaman la atención, entonces es un conjunto de cosas que he podido decir que me funcionan además de la escritura.

No soy un poeta, más bien busco mejorar mi habilidad de escritura comercial, de entretenimiento, pero quizás pronto incursione en algo de lo de las comunidades como Dream Steem.

Kitty gracias por tu excelente comentario, y por brindar muchas luces con respecto a tu experiencia, bendecida semana para ti y mucho éxito.

 3 months ago 

Si eres músico y escribes los textos de tus canciones, eres escritor y poeta.

Es agradable reencontrarse con una persona creativa, es lo que más echo de menos aquí, pero el grupo está creciendo. Espero verte/escuchar de ti otra vez, siéntete libre de etiquetarme.

Buen fin de semana y bendiciones para ti.

PD: Combino concursos o relatos con escritura libre. Es bueno para el cerebro y me ahorra tiempo.

Te apoyo. Solo agregaré una frase: Necesitamos más libertad d epensamiento y más escritura creativa. Saludos.

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