in Steem For Pakistan8 months ago


Good morning to everyone out there, hope you all enjoy your night and also wishing you all a great day ahead.....

Bringing you all a topic that say: "MY ACHIEVEMENT IN 2023.

in this year I have achive alot Because from January till now is also an Achievement that everyone should have, And also being among the living is also an Achievement..

 Let begin
  1. What are your real life achievements in 2023?

Firstly the gift of life from God is an greater achievement which everybody can have in this world, because some people who we start the year together are Dead, we are not important more than them is the grace of God which is upon our life......

To see another Christmas celebration is also an Achievement, because some people try to celebrate another Christmas but they don't have the opportunity to celebrate it, So for God to give me the grace to see another upcoming Christmas celebration is also an Achievement......

The food we eat from January till now in this tough country now,is also an Achievement, because some people suffer before seeing this food, some people even throw away their left over food, some people didn't know how to manage what they have Because they have it many and they can't give to people who didn't have at all.Some people Die because of the hardship of the country because of lack of food......

I finished the university this year is also an Achievement that this year has given me, Because some of us who started the race didn't finish at all, Some drop out, some repeat, Some were expel from school but I started and also I finished without having any problem, that is an Achievement that this year has given me........

Traveling from one place to another and getting to my destination safely is also an Achievement because some people travel and didn't reach their destination, some get lost on the way, some were kidnap,and also some have accident and they lost their life...........

Also becoming the best for my parents is an Achievement because I was very troublesome and I love fighting, but when my father beat me like goat that day I decided to change and also I have seen the best of me coming out.............

Me on 20years this year is an Achievement because I really appreciate God for making me to see another year to add to my age.....

  1. What are your steemit Achievement in 2023?

I really appreciate the person who tell me everything about this great platform Steemit and from when I join till now I have really see alot from this platform and I tearn alot and I have seen alot and it, back then don't know how to sit down and create ideas but now I see myself doing what I can't do, big thanks to him.....

I have Achievement manythings from steemit, meeting new people in this world, people from different countries, people from different states in the world and also reading post from different people is an great Achievement which I will want everyone to learn or see to it...........

When I started I was very happy with the way people voted or wish to read my post, and also I was been voted Everytime by @steemcurtor09 and @booming09 but now everything has changed because I have been into Plagiarism for two times and I stop, from then till now I haven't received any upvote from them all this is an Achievement that I seen on this platform.................

  1. What are the goals you wish to achive in real life next year?

First I wish to enter into the new year with my family and friends all complete and also I want to change my phone because it is giving me a strong issue that I can't bear it, I wish to enter into a serious relationship that can lead me to a better future which can help me, and l also wish to the best chief in our house in term of cooking......

  1. What are the goals you wish to achive in steemit next year?

I want to be the best in dropping post, I wish to be the best in this platform Steemit and also stop plagiarism that is a promise from me to everyone.........

Am using this medium to invite @rosselena, @vishwara, @blessingogah-1 and also @deprincedeman to drop their own ideas too and also drop a comment on my reply if you are in......

From today I promise to stop doing Plagiarism and also I will be bringing my best ideas to everyone..................

Thanks for reading 🙏🙈❤️...



Cuando somos novatos siempre cometemos errores pero lo bueno es que ya estás logrando enmendar tus errores eso es un gran logro y pronto verás lor beneficios que recibirás cuando sigas avanzando en la plataforma
Gracias por la invitación te deseo mucha suerte en tu participación

Hello partner oghenetega24, it is important to stop plagiarizing, I encourage you to try an original method based on your personality and reasoning, you may have better abilities and qualities but you must make the most of your potential, carry out your promise of not plagiarizing.

Some things you mentioned make common sense and that is that in life every step, every moment, every thing we do, and the fact of being alive until now, all of that is an achievement day by day.

Thanks for participating mate.

 8 months ago 

Hello bro xup, am surprised you are a graduate, hmm you must have started very early. Is good you wish to buy a new phone next year, new year new phone.

Mentioning curators in your post isn't right at all but I won't blame you much because you aren't aware and you didn't spell their names well, not that we don't have booming09.

 8 months ago 

Amigo de los errores también se aprende así que lo importante es no volver hacer las cosas que sabes que están mal.

Demuestra que has cambiado ,ten paciencia y verás como todo va mejorando

Te felicito por terminar tus estudios universitarios y espero que puedas conseguir una linda pareja y un teléfono ya que Actualmente es una necesidad.

Espero que todo mejore para bien.
Éxito 🤗

Hola amigo

Es bueno siempre ponernos metas pequeñas para ir cumpliéndola y podernos acostumbrar para poder cumplir las metas grandes.

Es bueno que leas el contenido de otras personas para que aprendas a realizar los tuyos recuerda que lo importante es ser tú mismo en cada una de tus publicaciones y Esto va a hacer que el apoyo vuelva a ti.

Deseo que para este nuevo año 2024 puedes alcanzar la meta de hacer bonitas y buenas publicaciones.

Suerte en tu concurso

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