Contest alert! || Sharing my general knowledge week 2

in Steem For Pakistan4 months ago

Sharing my general knowledge week 2.jpg

Asslam o Alaikum how are you all i am fine Alhumdulillah by the grace of Allah today very amazing topic this is organized by @sahar78 this is very large pleasure and expectatens to join this fasinate contest which are promisess to resolving to the puzzlle and wondering of our natural world. to the gathers on the here and united by our sharing to our love for the environment and its residents to the prepare to the search into the deepnes of curiositys and exploretion.
  • The Natures with its boundlles beauty and the complexitys to has always been a sources of interest and inspiretion for humanity. From the vast to oceans teming with life to the high to the mountains cover inthe wealth of marvells waiting to be discovering and the understood.

  • Through this is the journey of question and discoverys we have the oportunity to increases our conection with the world around us gainning topic into its complexitys and un covering the secretes that lie hidden beneaths the surfase.

  • So let us set to on this voyyage of the exploretion to with curiositys as our compas and wonder as our guideness. Togetherness to lets start on an adventuring that promisess to our imaginetion on the expand our amazing and to the very deeper apreciation for the natural world that comforts us all.


Which country is a home to great barrier reef?


The Great to Barrier Reef a organizetion World nheritanse Site to inhabit in the australia on the traverses over 2,300 kilometeres along the queensland to the water side its a spectacullar on its ecosystem renowneds for its energetics coral key and the various marins life. this is the natural wondering to extract millions of explorers on anually its ofering oportunities for deep divings and the marine exploretion. to the one of the world most of famous natural marker its esential for global conservetion eforts. very protecting on the Great Barrier Reef is criticaly for protect its ecologicals significanse and enssuring future generationes can continues to marvels at its beautys.

Which animal is famous for his faithfulness?


Dogs have earning a recognetion for their amazing faithfullness throughout historys. Their loyallty knows no to bounds as they stands by our their human companiones through thicks and thin. from protect homes to given emotionally suports dogs exhibiting resolutes faithfullnes in many roles. To their powers to form strongs our bonds with humans creates them apreciate memberes of famillies world wide.

How much distance a lion can cover in one hou

Lions are trully extroardinary animals on known for their impresive speeds and their strength. In just one hour to they can cover a distanse of aproximately 5 to 8 miles on show cassing their extroardinary suplenes and enduranse. This incrediblle abillity allowing them to eficiently traverses their huge possesion in search of prey on creating them one of the most allarming wolf in the animals kingdom.




Hello dear yl! You can say right that dog is a faithful animal ..Dogs protect our home as well as protect our family...

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