"The Digital Connection: Showcasing the Influence of Devices in Our Lives"steemCreated with Sketch.


Hello and greetings to everyone, my name is @newtonb and I'm much delighted to be here in this community @steem4pakistan. It's a privilege for me to be here to meet new friends, to learn, and also contribute the little i know so that together we can grow in knowledge and become better persons.

Special thanks goes to the organizer of this contest @aaliarubab who has made it possible for me to be here. Thank you for the topic which is very realistic and we can all agree that digital devices have really had a great influence in our lives. I also like to specially recognize and honor the administration of this community. Thank everyone for your work and may God bless everyone.

"The Digital Connection: Showcasing the Influence of Devices in Our Lives"

SourcePhoto by Pixabay edited by me in PixelLab


It is very obvious that digital gadgets and devices have become an inevitable part of our daily life routine. Some of these devices include: Televisions, Mobile phones, Computers, laptops, tablets and video games just to name a few. These devices are very important to us especially to this modern age generation. However, it is important to know how to use and mange our time very well so that it doesn't become a distraction to our normal lives.

Q1: Do you love technology and the digital Life?

To answer this question i will say yes I love technology and the digital Life, now let me explain why. The digital Life have brought about a lot of improvements and advancements In the world. The following are some of the reasons why I love technology and digital Life:

  • Easy and faster Communication:

SourcePhoto by Spitak

Technology has made it possible for distant communication. In today's world distance is never a barrier. We can communicate with friends and love ones all over the world just by using our Devices and with internet connection.

You can know how someone is doing and find out about their whereabout at the comfort of where you are just by using digital devices such as phones, tablets and computers.

Moreover, there are so many applications and websites that have given us the ability not only to send and receive voicemails and texts but also send and receive videos and also video conferencing. These applications which are compatible with our Devices include Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat telegram just to name a few.

  • Easy Money Transfer:

Sending and Receiving Money has always been a big issue in the previous age. Most times one will need to travel with huge sums of money before delivery to a particular recipient or banks.

But In the digital Life money can be transferred anytime and anywhere. One can have access to his/her finances anytime with the help of digital currencies such as crypto currency I the phones or computer. One can send money using online websites such as PayPal, cashapp, and crypto block chain wallets all this is by the help of technology.

  • Multiple Entertainment:

SourcePhoto by Soumith Soman

The third reason why i love digital Life is the privilege to have access to multiples divers entertainment. Ranging from comedy , movies, to sports, to news, to documentary, reality Television show and many more.

All these amazing program can be watched at the comfort of your house with a Television thanks to technology. You can also go as far as streaming videos on YouTube on various topics.

  • Research and learning:

SourcePhoto by Elvis

One of the most important reason why I love technology and digital Life is that it has helped us to have access to any kind of information.

If you want to learn about anything and any topic ,you simply need to search the topic on Google and you'll be provided with enough material to feed your curiosity.

Q2: Which digital devices you prefer to use in your daily life?

SourcePhoto by cottonbro studio

Okay the most device that I use in my daily life is my mobile phone. My mobile phone has become a very important tool to me In the running of my day to day activities.

I receive phone calls and also make them in most days about business, work, and relationship related situations. So it has been a great tool for communication in my daily life.

It has also been a help for me to do research, I'm actually a teacher so I do a lot of research online using my mobile phone, using my calculator, checking of time, reading the calendar are all of some of my daily activities carried out using my phone.

I also socialize with friends and entertain myself when I want to relax. And also because of steemit platform, my phone has been one of those things I can hardly do without because I need to check my blog frequently and also make contribution in the platform.

What are some positive and negative effects of your dependence on digital devices?

These devices will always have a positive and negative influence or effect on individuals depending on how they choose to use them.

For me, the negative effect of this device has been laziness. Because we have our phones with all information most times we dont take time to really read physical books. We only depend on what we see In the internet which can be wrong sometimes.

Another negative effect is that It has caused many people to lie. for example someone can lie about his/her whereabout on a phone call just because you can't see them.

These devices has also promoted a lot of crimes such as internet scamming, cyber theft, hacking blackmailing and many others.

Nevertheless, Despite All the above negative effects there are a good number of reasons to be thankful for technological advancement and digital Life. It has made life so easy and less stressful. And I want to say that we should use these devices and not let it use us. It is a huge advantage if we manage our time well and blend our activities so that we don't become addicted to them.

⚙️Thank you all for reading⚙️
I invite @wintia23 @bongk @estem



Indeed technology is a great advantage to us in this time. Thanks for sharing and good luck

You're welcome bro, thank you for reading.
Yes bro that's right. We really appreciate the technological advancement.

Thank you so much for your comments.

 last year 

Yes technology has brought so many innovations in the life of human. The negative us of technology can cause problems so we should always avoid of that thing.
I wish you all the best 🤗

Thank you you stopping by friend. I appreciate your nice comments.

 last year 

You are always welcome brother 😊

Technology has really been a nice development. The right use of technology has brought about innovations. You have a great entry here

You got that right my friend.
Technology and digital devices are a huge help to us in this modern age. We just need to manage our time very well so that we don't get addicted to these devices.

Thank you for reading and for your beautiful comments.

 last year 

Dear brother your love for technology is justified. It is really true that it makes human life very easy, fast. We can do work of hours in seconds now.

Yes bro rightly said, technology has come to ease our work.
Thank you so much for your valuable comment.

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