Milk:My View, Myself Wk20".

in Steem For Pakistan2 months ago (edited)

Hello friends, happy new month and welcome to the month of April

What do you understand by the word Milk?

Milk is that substance that is always milky 😆😆😆😆😆 haha
Milk is a liquid gotten from mammals to feed their young ones and when refined it is rich in calcium, protein fats and vitamin and good for man consumption.
When I gave birth to my daughter at first the doctor recommended NAN 1 MILK saying is good for the baby that it will help build her up till I'm able to give her breast milk. That is to show that milk is good for the baby, it help build that immune system and make their brain active.

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What are the benefits of drinking milk?

Drinking milk everyday will help the body in the following ways:

  • provide calcium for the body that's is making the bones and teeth strong and healthy.
  • gives the body enough protein for a healthy muscle growth.
  • it provide vitamins and enough mineral to the body to help the growth of the body system.
  • good for hydration especially after meal
  • help to reduce calories intake in the body hence help to reduce weight.

Anytime I am feeling weak, my husband will put milk for me to drink and boom I will be up again.

Practically, I give my kids milk immediately after meal and it has come to be part and particles of their daily routine life. Immediately after meal they will shout mummy milk and I will give it to them and this have help to make them stay healthy and for for me. They have strong bones, they started running as early as 9 month and now milk have help reduce sickness in their body and my babies sleep well too.
I gave them NAN 1 and 2 then switch to milksy and cowbell milk when they clock 2 years. I add complan with miksy sachet milk or cowbell milk for them and they love it.
Just give them milk alone with Milo and they will love you for it.


How often do you take milk?

For me twice a week or once a week self depending on how I am feeling but my kids I give them everyday.
Everyday they will take it twice a day, morning and night and this have help me to control calories intake they consume in a day and this have given them strong bones and they have zero health challenge because this help to flush their system and give then strong immune system.

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Tell us the steemian you will want to be your partner in a cowbell milk spelling bee competition and why.

I will choose @imadear to be my partner in the cowbell spelling bee competition why because she is intelligent and can stand any question, so if I fail to remember she will be my back bone answering it for me with full chest.
She is always out winning and I give it to her, so in such talented and winning competition, I will take a winner with me so that I can win and be happy so @imadear will be my choice over and over again.

I invite @emmaboy23, @bossj23, and @maria-jangoa to join this contest.

Thank you for reading my blog @delight54 loves you all.

 2 months ago 

That glass cup big oo 🤣

Na laugh you dey laugh me abi 😃😃😃😃
I dey come for you 🏃🏃🏃🏃
No glass of milk for you 😝😝😝

 2 months ago 

No problem, just give me milky doughnuts 😁🫶

Anything milk is not for you I will give you sugar doughnuts as many as you want except you will drink that big glass of milk with me 🙄

Deal or no deal?

 2 months ago 

Lol 🤣 very funny. You are sounding as if I hate milks.

Don't worry I agree to drink the full glass of milk, you won kill me with sugar doughnuts, abeg oo 🤣

Then come for milky doungunt o 💃💃💃💃

 2 months ago 

Wow this is nice
Milk is good to the body and makes us healthy. Thank you for sharing the importance of milk with us 😊
Thanks for the mention 🤝

Prepare for the competition o 😝😝😝😝

You take milk twice a day, it is really good for health
Best of luck

It pleasure of mine


My pleasure dear


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