CONTEST: Grandfather: My view myself Wk16

in Steem For Pakistan4 months ago (edited)

Good evening to all the steemians around this platform. Happy new week to you all, I believe you all had a wonderful day, mine was good as well. Your friend @missyleo is here to also participate in this Wk16 contest organized by @saintkelvin17.


What do you understand by the word grandfather?

Grandfather is simply the father to one's father or mother. It's means a man who have grandchildren. Some grandfather are usually an old man, while some are also young between the age of 50 -70 years.

The grandfather that are old have lived for many years and have also experienced so much life on earth. A grandfather is the head of the family by virtue and he attend and solve all the dispute in the family as the head and leader that he is

Is your grandfather still alive, If no, tell us what led to his death, if yes, tell us how he's doing.

No, it's so unfortunate that I didn't get to meet my grandfather, as my father told us that he was a king, he was the fattest man in the whole of my community and more tragedy thing was that he killed himself because of two things: The law he set and also because of not wanting to do be involved in any evil practice.

My father says that my grandfather was the first man that use his money to buy witch and swallow (He initiated himself into witchcraftcy) because of what happened in his family. Normally in my community a king is entitled to marry many wives but my grandfather refused to follow that pattern so that he won't have a divided home.

Some of the ladies became envious of my grandmother bewitched her with a blind-witchcraftcy, meaning that she will do whatsoever they command her to do without her having a say in anything. So she started committing havoc in the house by killing her children one after the other, out of the 12 children she had, she killed 6 remaining 6, while one was still at the verge of dieing that was when my grandfather stood up from his throne and say he must find the root of all this misfortune and put a stop to it, they consulted so many fetish gods to know what may caused and all of them said that's it the mother that ate up her children and my grandfather didn't believe because the wife look so innocent to have kill all the children she suffer to raised.

My grandfather made moves to find out what causes it, the whole community wanted my grandfather to passed judgement on my grandmother so that she can be matchet into piece as they normally do to other witches but my grandfather says that he must find the root of this problem first before any action is being taken. He was told the only solution to know if your wife is a witch is for him to also become one, he bought the witch from one interior village where they practice witchcraft and immediately he swallowed the stuff he was able to see every one of them and saw the wife too in a very bad condition, so my grandfather was just after the very person that initiated his wife into witchcraftcy.

He observed that it was a group of enforcement that planned this evil inorder to bring shame to his family. They say my grandfather decided to kill them one by one till the completed The number of children he has lost before he decided to release my grandmother to them to butcher into piece after that, the next day he decided to poison himself inorder for him not to continue killing people because of the anger that was boiled up in him.

Is there an old man in your neighborhood? Tell us about him as well.


Yes there's an old man in my compound and that happens to be my landlord of about 90 something years yet very strong. He doesn't stay in the compound he leaves in another State, so he only comes around when his house rent is due for collection.

The old man is very open, transparent and straight forward, each time he is around and you passed by his door post and you decide to greet him, that means that day you won't go because he will sit you down and tell you so many stories especially the story of the second world war, how it started and the suffering they passed through.

Tell us about the best advice you have received from an old man.


This old man is always been known and respected for his wisdom because of his experience in life. Their advice is like a gem and if you neglect it, you may suffer the regret for ever.

I have received an advice from an old man before that was from my landlord he will preach to me that I should not joke with the things of God, I should serve Him diligently that one day my reward will come.


I invite @tripple-e @glorious and @mboma to participate in the contest.

 4 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 4 months ago 

@missyleo: It's intriguing to read about your perspective on grandfathers and the tales of wisdom they impart. Your narrative paints a vivid picture of their significance in shaping family dynamics and values. Thank you for sharing your insights and inviting others to join this enlightening contest.

 4 months ago 

Thank you for having time to read my post, wish you well @ekemini01

That's some wise advice from your landlord. He's telling you not to take the things of God lightly and to serve Him with all your heart. If you're dedicated and diligent in your service, he believes that one day you'll be rewarded. It's a reminder to stay committed and faithful, knowing that your efforts won't go unnoticed. Wishing you all the best.

 4 months ago 

Thank you so much.
I strongly believe that God will surely come through for me.

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