Weekly Contest - Best Diary Game | Bad day ends well

in Steem For Pakistanlast month

Hello fellow steemian from all over the world, greetings to you all. I hope you guys are doing great 👍
I will like to share with you how my day went by.
Love you all❤️🤞

I woke up this morning by 7;13am. I started wondering what really went wrong that I had to wake up this late, and immediately, I picked up my phone and glanced through my Whatsapp group, I realize I have class by 8am. I have to jump up from my bed and observed my morning prayer/devotion. Quickly, I rushed to my bathroom and brush my teeth. Stepping into my room again, on checking my clock it was already 7;38am. wondering how I will meet up with my 8am class. I didn't have any option than to do away with my breakfast. On getting to my bathroom, I realized my soap 🧼 finished yesterday. I had to take a moment and wonder what's really going on today.
And immediately, I stepped out of my bedroom without taking my bath. The next thing was to put on my dress and pick up my jotter and then quickly step out of my house for the class.

On my halfway to the campus, I realized I have forgotten my pen home. On checking my wristwatch it was already 7;55am and I was with only my transport money to pay my way from the campus gate down to my faculty.
So I had to move ahead to the campus.
On reaching my faculty/department, lo and behold the lecturer was already in class for the lecture.
Immediately, I glance at my time, it was now 8;15am.
I was in-between whether to sneak through the back door.
So I had to summon courage and plead with the lecturer to let me in, explaining why I was some minute late.
Fortunately for me, He let me in. ( Instructing that this should be the very first and the last time any student should come to his class late).

The lecture lasted for 2 hrs 30 minutes.
Immediately after the lecture by 10;30am, I was already feeling stressful with hunger. And I was with no other money. So I had to meet this my female friend to lend me some cash in order to get some snacks for myself.
See how she look astounding!


After fixing up myself with some snacks.
I had to wait while in the lecture hall for another lecture which is to hold from 12pm-2pm. In which it held.


After the lecture by 2pm, I have to set my journey home with some of my colleagues and we have to walk down to the campus gate since we were walking in groups.
In other way round, I was with no cash anymore.


On getting home, my friend told me to turn up so we can play ludo game.
I later turn up to his place.
Here we are playing ludo game.


After spending time with my friend. I was now set to get home and rest.
I will like to say my today was between stress and spending a moment with my friend.

Many thanks fellow steemian for reading my story and God bless you all.

I invite @esty22 @josephhonesty and @meeky3 to participate in this diary game.

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