Weekly Contest - Best Diary Game | A day fulfilled, My hustle paid

in Steem For Pakistan2 months ago (edited)

Hello beautiful and amazing steemians ALL across the world. Greetings to you all. Hope your day is going smoothly! Once again, let me share with you how I spent my yesterday.


After a heavy rainfall yesterday that gave birth to Yesterday (03/06/2024). I managed to wake up with cold in my body. I don't know who brought this quotation that Monday is always called money making monday. Whereas other days wouldn't have been so... I would often sleep off till when I fill like waking up. But since today is Monday, I have to force myself a get up from bed with cold in my body. Immediately I struggled to wake up, I observed my morning prayer. I then fast forward myself to the bat room and brush my teeth.

After which I glance/ scroll down my phone... Nothing to figure out. Just being upset with myself for lack of money. Just thinking of what to do today (Monday); that will fetch me money and boommm!!! my ma,son friend just came over my head. And immediately, I called him asking if there's any job? And behold he responded yes. And that I should come over to a specific location by 8;30am that he will pick me up from there. Though rain was drizzling. And quickly guys, without thinking of what to eat that very moment. I jumped up, dressed up and move immediately to the said location. As soon as I reached there by 8;13am, I had to wait till 8;30am before I call. By 8 34am, I called him twice but he was not picking up his calls. I was worried. But since I wasn't in a haste I had to patiently wait till 9am.
This was no more funny. Thinking if he pranked me.
So I had to call again twice but yet still, he didn't respond.
I had to start finding alternatives on how I can reach home. Because the only money I had I use it to pay my way down there. During the process of my journey back, a call hit and when I check it was the mason guy. So I had to quickly pick up the call and told him how he left me here hopelessly . Guys, everything was resolved and he came over and took me. Getting there, he was contemplating about the work.
Today weather happens to be cold with splashed rainfall throughout the day, here in Nigeria (Akwa Ibom) precisely.

But then, we managed to carry on the work.
At about 4pm, I was so down with hunger and I needed anything to just hold my body. So I asked him the lend me some tokens in which he did, I then use it to buy garri and drink till the work comes to an end.

Drinking garri

I wasn't certain if I will make some cash today in order to pay my bills. All and all, I return all the glory to God, this is how the work look like...

Work in progress

Mixing sand and cement

Finished work

When we closed and I got home in the evening I was so weak and fatigued that after having my bath and laying on the bed, I dozed off while writing my diary game. The soul was willing but the body was too weak.
Nonetheless it won't stop me from sharing my yesterday with you all.

Many thanks fellow steemian for stopping by.
Sincere appreciation goes to each and every one of you.
You all are the strength of @steemit.
Keep enjoying your beautiful moments.

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