SEC-S17 /W3| "Imaginations do happen real"

in Steem For Pakistan4 months ago

So many times our mind works in diverse ways and it might actually looks like it is not yet producing fruit as it ought to. Sometimes I have actually come to discover that things are not really happening the same way it should be and sometimes it might look like things are actually changing the way it is.

Sometimes we begin to feel the manifestations of our imagination in real life and it now looks like our world is been controlled by the mind. Today I will actually be talking about the power of imagination and how we can use it to control our world

Well enough of introduction, let me dive into my main topic for today.

What do you understand by imagination?


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The first understanding i actually have concerning imagination is that it deals with the mind. In fact I will say imagination is the formation of wishes, dreams and what to come from our mind using our thoughts. There is no imagination without thought because I have actually come to discover that before you imagine something, you must have really thought about it. I mean your mind must have really thought about it.

There is a consciousness that happend in your mind using your thoughts which eventually result into the imagination as it actually oughts to and that is really how it is been operated.

What's the coolest thing you love imagining?


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One of the coolest thing I have always love to imagine continually is the future. I always love to imagine what will the future look like even though sometimes the future might still be in years to come. In fact I have come to discover that the more I imagine about the future, the more it gives me this consciousness to live my present with caution and trembling because I don't actually want to make the mistake.

I love imagining the future that relates to every aspects of my life ranging from finances, from academics, career and even maritally. Many more I will say. It actually shapes me to become a better person in this world.

Do you believe there are some positive imaginations we can make real?


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Generally I strongly believe that there are positives imaginations that we can make it to be real if we work towards bringing it to reality. Every imagination is designed for us to actually bring it to limelight and reality but it requires hardwork and dedication in making it to be real.

There are things that looks like it will not showcase right now or probably it will not manifest but as time goes on, it will definitely manifest. In fact I have come to discover that imagination is not just meant to be imagine in vain. Every imagination we have most especially positively have every capacity to be brought to reality if only we know how to do so.

Imagine the world is going to end next week. What will you do now?

Imagining that the world will end next week. I think the only imagination I will or can ever think of is to actually make sure I live the remaining days positively in order to produce maximum result as it actually ought to. In fact I have come to discover that it will really goes a long way if I can live the remaining days before the world ends in positive notes and not in negative notes.

I invite @lovelystar , @newekemini5 and @okere-blessing to participate in this contest.

❤️I hope you enjoyed very much by reading my post. Thank you so much for reading till the end❤️

Best Regards By


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 4 months ago 

Hello friend greetings to you, hope you are doing well and good there.

You say imagination deals with the mind. This is true my friend. I believe imagination is the flow of thoughts in our minds. You further added that magination is the formation of wishes, dreams and desires. Your post is amazing my friend.

I wish you very best of luck in this contest.

You are right. Imagination really deals with the mind and that's why we must pay careful attention to our mind.

Thank you so much for stopping by

La imaginación es la formación de deseos, sueños y qué venir de nuestra mente usando nuestros pensamientos.

Creo también en la relacion existente entre la imaginación y la mente. Sin uno no puede existir la otra. Pensamos, Imaginamos y luego actuamos.

Es quizás por esta creencia que no me suena descabellado asumir la que imaginación es la proyección de nuestro futuro. Si lo imaginas lo puede hacer realidad. Indiferentemente de que lo imaginado exceda lo real.

¿Por que acaso que los creadores de la serie de ciencia ficción Viaje a las Estrellas se equivocaron en imaginar un aparato para comunicarse de manera móvil y eficiente? o ¿Julio Verne no dio en el clavo con lo que imagino en sus libros?

Es por ello que no hay que menospreciar el poder que posee la imaginación.

Hasta la próxima...

I so much love the definition you gave imagination. Imagination is the formation of desires and dreams . We can't underestimate the power of imagination

Lamentablemente, muchos encasillas acciones espectaculares en el cuadrado exacto de los conceptos. Esto hace que muchas veces se limite y de castre algo que podría ser muy grande.

Es por ello que la imaginación hay que dejarla libre, que crezca, que cree y que nos muestre que todo de puede hacer posible.

Hasta la próxima...


Assalam O Alaikum! Dear brother you have well explained everything we see around us that is produced by man is a product of imagination that is backed up by hard work the technology we see was not in existence. Best wishes friend

Thank you so much for your valuable comments. I really appreciate

 4 months ago 

Hello dear!

your contemplation of the future reflects a forward thinking mindset guiding your present actions with purpose and caution. Embracing positive imaginations fosters a proactive approach to life endeavors. Keep nurturing your visions and channeling efforts towards manifesting them into reality.

You are right. There is quite a whole lot of contemplation of the future we really need to learn and reflect on. Thank you so much for stopping by

 4 months ago 

You are welcome dear! Reflecting on the future is essential for growth and progress. Best wishes for you

You strongly believe that if the world is going to end next week, you would prioritize spending time with your loved ones, expressing gratitude, and spreading positivity. It is important to make the most out of the time we have left and leave a lasting impact on the people around us. You would focus on doing acts of kindness, helping those in need, and cherishing each moment. It is crucial to live with purpose and make each day count, especially in the face of such a dire situation.

You are right.

Thank you for stopping by

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