Steemit Engagement Challenge | S7W5 | Write A Short Story

in Steem For Pakistan2 years ago



Hello friends, am so happy to be here again. I trust you're all keeping well. Of course am here to participate in this beautiful contest organized by this noble community. Story telling is one of the hidden part of me I unraveled lately. I've not really been exploring this part of me though.

This is the sole reason why I always feel very happy and grateful each time I see topic along this line because it helps me tap into this part of me and explore it.
I will be sharing a story with us, a fiction though and the title is "Compromise". I hope you find it interesting and inspiring. So sit back relax and enjoy every bit of this piece about a young man called Fred.

Who is Fred? What did he do? What happened to him? All these question and more will be answered when you read through. Enjoy!



Fred is the definition of determination and hardwork. Who would have thought that he would make it to the top in the construction industry. He was a man written off and left in his state of hopelessness.

Everything was against him as he never had quality education like every other child while growing, he was not from a wealthy family, infact he lost both of his parents at a very early age. The only thing he could learn while growing up was character.

How he manage to keep his high moral standard inspite of all he went through while making his way to the top is still a mystery. The very words of his father has been etched on the tablet of his heart.
Before his father's demise, he would always tell him to be Honest and maintain high level of integrity.

This has been his watch word for many years and this made him who he has become. Before he came to line light, He once worked as an apprentice with one Mr. Donald, while he worked with him he was outstanding in that he was very disciplined and honest, for this reason Mr. Donald loved him and started opening him up to opportunities via recommendation.



Gradually he started having jobs of his own because of his impeccable character. In a very short while he had constructed so many structures. All thanks to Mr. Ken who became a big time client of Fred, he has given to him a lot of contracts and Fred has never for once disappointed him.



He became successful over time because of the way he handled people's job. He made sure he gives to his client the best unlike other construction engineer who uses substandard and low quality material or even cut corners just to finish a project. Others even envied him for his integrity and honesty.

On one fateful day, a colleague of his brought a juicy contract worth millions of naira and requested that they do it together, they shared the work and agreed to remunerate each other using a particular percentage on completion.

Since everyone has being apportioned his part, his friend went ahead as usual to cut corners by getting low quality material for his portion and at such made more money for himself by purchasing these stuffs for the project.
Fred as usual did as usual and made a decent profit but when his friend told him about his illegal profit, he became uneasy and felt he was a fool for being modest and honest.

The thought of what he would have gained if he had acted like his friend kept on haunting him, compromise began to set in, his impeccable character is now about to be thrown to the pigs.

His heart has been consumed by the thought of what the ill gotten money would have done for him, after all nobody would know about it. They have always trusted him. He has become a brand in the Industry .He was so overwhelmed with the thouthg that what he sought for at this point was an opportunity to exploit his next client subtly

He was on site one day when Mr.Ken, his best client called in as usual to give him a job worth millions. Oh he saw this as an opportunity to exploit . His mind was made up, he wanted to take advantage of the trust Mr.Ken has for him.

This time he was to build a magnificent house for Mr.Ken, as usual he made his quotation which of course was gladly accepted by Mr. Ken without questioning. He gave him a go ahead and begged him to do give his best, Mr.Ken was very particular about this project.



Everything Mr. Ken said went into Fred's deaf ears, he fulfilled the lust that has ravaged his heart. He started the project but with low standard material and cut so many corners, managing material when more than enough provision have been made . In a very short while, the house was built. It looks so beautiful and elegant on the outside. I mean everyone would desire a house of that nature.

It was designed for royalty. Not only was it just built, it was also furnished. Fred himself was wondering why Mr.Ken furnished the building, it was actually part of the quotation and it was unlike him.
When he was done he informed Mr. Ken who then came around the check out the building.

He went round and was happy with what he saw. He then turned and faced Fred and said to him...
"You have been faithful all these while we've been working together, you're different from every other folks I have worked're rare and full of Integrity. I have been thinking about how to repay you for all you've done, because I feel I have not done anything so far for being good to me. It then occur to me to build you this house"

At this point Fred could not believe his ears...he didn't know if he was dreaming or if it was for real. He fell on his knees with head his head bow and wept. Mr.Ken was trying to console him thinking it was tears of Joy but didn't know he was about to hear the most shocking news of his life.

After weeping profusely, he managed to utter few words...Had I known was the first word that came out of his mouth, Mr.Ken was confused, he was wandering what Fred meant by that statement. Other workers under Fred had also gathered to know what was wrong with their boss.



He had to let the cat out of the bag and explained how he had gotten low and substandard material for the magnificent building and how he had managed most of the materials for the project just to make outrageous profit. He was sorry at this point. Mr. Ken was also disappointed because Fred compromised and joined those who were applying double standard to their dealings.

The deed has been done, there was nothing to do, the only viable option was to pull down the building because it would do more harm than good in the nearest future.


Do not succumb to compromise, continue doing what you're known for because one day it will bring you a massive harvest you never saw coming. Fred started well but ended on a bad note, he was suppose to enjoy the fruit of his labour for years but he compromised and he had to pay.

There is a part of the scripture that says "Do not be weary in well doing, because in due time,you will get the reward".
Permit me to draw the curtain here, I trust you enjoyed every bit of this fiction...Just before I go, let me invite my very good friend @jospha @ruthjoe @enamul17 @mdkamran99 to this contest.



Excelente historia, amigo. Una gran lección para Fred, quien renunció a su integridad por obtener más dinero. A la larga el buen proceder nos brinda las más grandes satisfacciones y nos demuestra que esos hatajos urgentes por los cuales nos conduce la avaricia terminan revirtiéndose para cobrarnos nuestras deslealtades. Gracias por compartir. Éxitos...

 2 years ago 

Your comment is much appreciated dear friend, am glad you learnt from the piece. Thanks friend.


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