Diary game || A busy day || 2/03/2023

in Steem For Pakistanlast year

Good morning 🌄🌅

How are you all? I hope that all will be safe and sound. Today I am here for the purpose of sharing my diary game with you and the title of my diary game is actually a busy day. I spent my day and completed a lot of task.

Overall my day was not waste it was very meaningful and enjoyable also because I don't get bored when I am busy.I only feel boredom at a time when there is nothing to do.



The morning should be very good in start. This is I am saying because when you start your day in a good way then whole day you feel goodness but when you start your day with something bad then your whole day disturb you.

First when I get up today then I drink water first because my mouth was drying and I am feeling pain in my throat. After that I fresh my mouth and then get ready to go for a walk because it's my routine and its very important really.


During my work I captured the pictures of some beautiful flowers they are white flowers and pink flowers and they are looking very beautiful and attractive to me that's why I capture the picture to share with my friends and to add into my blog.


When I was in my afternoon then obviously I was busy in doing the works of daily routine. In afternoon I attended the classes and deliver the lectures to my students of college. After attending the normal routine classes I also have to go to another campus for the preparation of entry test.


I teach the student of E.cat because as I am a physics teacher so I prepare my students who are interesting to go into the field of engineering and they really inspired by my lectures and my knowledge that I share with them.

Night time

At night time I was craving for something very delicious and my very favourite so there was chicken present in my home that's why I purchase bread from market and then after going to home I will prepare shwarma for me it is my very favourite specially the mayonnaise that is present in it as a essential ingredient.


Above you can see me while making the shawarma. There is a complete procedure of this dish making and I learned it from my sister and in my next article I will also share its recipe its really very interesting and yummy for all of them.

 last year 

Hi @khursheedanwar,

There is a complete procedure of this dish making and I learned it from my sister and in my next article I will also share its recipe.

The shawarma is looks tasty. Looking forward to the recipe from your next post..😊

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