Contest Alert !!! || "Importance of Time Management".

in Steem For Pakistan27 days ago


Good day everyone, am @jovita30. I hope we are all having a good time. Time management skill when learnt and understood, would go along way in our life.

Time they say waits for nobody, and a wasted time can never be regained.
Thank you @abdullahw2 . For this wonderful contest.

Why is time management important in achieving personal goals or in our live?



Time management could be seen as the attitude of maintaining and keeping to doing things at the appropriate allocated timeframe.
Time management requires discipline and determination.

In a day, we have 24 hours which might be small or big depending on the person and the activities being done.
As an average person, targets and goals should be part of our build.

We set targets and goals and goals on a daily basis, but truth is that we often times don't meet up to these targets.

One of the reason is time management.
How we manage our time is one of the ways our day becomes fruitful and we feel fulfilled.
In time management, it is advised to plan before time as a popular saying quotes that

to before warned is to before armed".

Setting out time to prepare for the day gives one a level of peace and assurity of sound mind, it resonates inner tranquility and gives more room for accomplishing tasks.

What are some common time management techniques you use to manage your time on Steemit and in other activities?



  • Some important time management techniques one can use to manage our time is in writing down things one want to achieve within a day frame, week frame or even a long term frame. For example, in steemit, daily creation of content is needed and writing it down as one of the things to do in a day would go a long way in being time conscious.
  • Another technique is in setting reminders using calenders, (physical or electronic).
    Above all, these reminders will not work if discipline is not in the equation.

  • Having someone you are accountable to. Have someone who can call you to order when ever you miss use your time.

How does poor time management affect our productivity on Steemit and stress levels?



Time management affects our productivity in every thing we do in the sense that if we are in a more calm state we would be able to deliver without qualms.

Taking for instance, if we allocate a time frame of an hour thirty minutes to be spent on steemit,one finds out that we achieve a lot more given the specificity of the time without having to think or so anything else.

Just like earlier stated, the hours in a day equates to a 24 hours capacity. And for each second that passes is counting.

Time is money" What do you think about that phrase?



It's absolutely true that time is money
If one spends the whole day lazing and doing nothing meaningful, the day would automatically be termed as a wasteful one, before one knows it days, weeks and even months has gone by.
Spending our time wisely is one of the important attitudes needed in wealth creation.

Your time can produce money for us, if we use it wisely. When You wast your time, it's as good as wasting money because that time is capable of producing money.

I would like to invite @ruthjoe @alexanderpeace @ninapanda


It's true that effective time management brings fulfillment. That's to say that we can't engage in one thing more than expected in order to meet up with other task we have to execute for the day.

It's feels great reading such a wonderful content, best wishes to you dear.

 24 days ago 

Thank you so much. I really appreciate you visiting.

It's my pleasure!

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