Weekly Drawing Contest || Week-23 || Draw a Cherry.

in Steem For Pakistan8 months ago (edited)
Assalamualaikum, all of my friends. How are you all? I hope you are all well. I'm fine too. I really thank @enamul17 brother for organizing such a nice drowing contest. My name is Isfat Hasan EMA . Today I came to "Steem For Pakistan " community to share my work . This contest topic is "📢 Weekly Drawing Contest || Week-23 || Draw a Cherry.". I present my experience :



✅Draw creatively and share your skills with us.

Materials for drawing picture

• Ruler.

• Pencil.

• Eras.

• Cut the pencil.

• A4 size art paper.

•Colour pencile green.

•Color pencile red.

Let's Start

First draw the frame of the apple like a sphere. Now draw two more apples on its 2 sides. Draw the apples a little darker. Remove the tops of the apples. Here we have to give apple seeds. Let's do this to make the picture look real. Our real work is over.



After that, the center of the apple should be removed. Then the other apples should be drawn. The fingers should be thickened at the bottom and gradually become smaller, thinner. We have to draw this part slightly crooked. Then it will grow beautifully.



Now we have to draw the pulses. We will transform those three wives into one branch. Then I will paint the stripes. We will use 12B to darken and thicken these spots a bit.

I didn't remember to take a picture of step 3 by mistake.

Now we have to draw the page. We will fetch two pages from two sites. I will give the leaves like a tin of fries because they are apple leaves. And the apple hurts like this big cut. Then I will draw a leaf between the leaves. The leaves should be placed crookedly as it will definitely droop.



Drowing is done. Now it's time to paint. I will paint the apples red. I will paint the branch dark green. The leaves are light green and our work is done.


✅Is this fruit is available in your country? Have you eaten this fruit yet? How much is it worth in your area? (Include steem prices along with your country's prices.)

Yes, this fruit is available in our country. This fruit is very good to eat. This fruit is used to make a variety of things and is used to garnish or decorate various things. As we can say, if there is a big wedding ceremony in our country, there are different types of food placed in front of the bride or groom in the yellow ceremony, then this red cherry fruit is used to decorate it. I am giving below the price of this fruit in our country and its price as steam.

Cherry - 1kg3000132.22
Thank You Reading My Post

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