SEC-S17 /W2| "What if you were the president of your country?"

in Steem For Pakistan2 months ago


I find myself, quite unexpectedly, serving as the president of my country. I must preface this by saying I am not a leader. I have always been described as accommodating, a term I had to look up to understand precisely what others meant. This is certainly not a quality typically associated with a president. The truth is, I lack the capacity to impose my will, and I do not feel inclined to command; power makes me uncomfortable. The idea that people might fear me for my actions or decisions agitates me and makes me anxious.

I live peacefully in my well-maintained garden, keeping away those who want to spoil my flowers. Politicians, in my view, are merely opportunists seeking personal gain. They are not welcome in my blessed garden. I have dealt with politicians who seek power only for personal interests, without caring for the well-being of their constituents. Corruption to gain votes and favor personal interests is, unfortunately, a widespread practice in my country.


My garden is democratic, the plants, flowers, and animal life within it live in symbiosis; each is fundamental to the other, and for this reason, it works. I would not allow any mole to enter and destroy this natural balance. The responsibility to maintain this balance is crucial for my happiness, which is why I devote so much to my garden. I could not allow any link to break as it would compromise the entire system. To eliminate moles, I have surrounded my garden with electric wires that reach extreme depths to keep these damned moles away, and I assure you, there is no alternative. It was not easy to implement this electrified network; to do so, I formed alliances with gardeners for whom their garden is as vital a source as it is for me.


I do not believe I am suited to be a good president; my own allies would oust me after just a few months. Being the president of a country requires compromising in too many uncomfortable situations. However, if I were to outline a vision for my mandate, I would start with reforming education. It is unacceptable to maintain with public funds a category of teachers who no longer have a say in how to evolve the culture of our children, oppressed by the will of blind parents under a guise of protectionism that makes their children weak and prey to the spreading obscurantism. The Dawn of the Oscurists: The Rebirth of Ignorance.

This would be my first reform, to set a new direction for future generations. I would then dedicate myself to the internal resources of our beautiful country. There is a great dispersion of energy that does not fully exploit our economic potential. This could significantly contribute to reducing our public debt.

Thanks for reading @ibesso

I was late in publishing my contribution so it would be useless to invite friends to this competition. The images are created digitally by me


Thanks to:
@hive-169911 25%
@null 25%



Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
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 2 months ago 

Hello dear! your post beautifully reflects on the unexpected scenario of serving as president and the complexities it entails. Your analogy of maintaining your garden as a democratic space highlights the importance of balance and harmony in leadership. Wish you success for the contest

Thank you, dear. I'm glad you appreciated how I keep my garden in order.

I will visit you soon. Best wishes to you too.🌈👋

 2 months ago 

Thank you for your kind words. Best wishes to you as well

I respect your concerns and understand your reluctance to hold a position of power, especially in a political landscape tainted by corruption. Your dedication to maintaining the balance in your garden is admirable, and your focus on education reform is commendable. Your commitment to protecting what is important to you is truly inspiring.

thank you @mesola I am happy with your appreciation of my garden I wish you good luck thanks for your visit you are welcome.

 2 months ago 

Hey, you motioned many things very well, have a nice day.

thanks, have a nice day👋

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