1 picture 1 story week #48".

in Steem For Pakistanlast month (edited)



Who Drank The Cup of Sorrow?

Ohh my God!! Lily is that not the hair we saw on instagram last week,yes Cisca this is the hair we saw on instagram last week,Lillian replied barely looking at her room mate as she admired her new hair in the mirror,wild eyed,cisca came close to observe her friend,wait wait lily you mean bought the hair!! Lilly this hair is worth 500k, that's like half a million.

Cicsa was perplexed as to why her friend would buy such an expensive hair!! Yes cicsca again i bought it ,lily answered turning with soo much grace to face her this time, cisca you need to stop this, i have told you countless times you need to dress the way you want to be addressed,see i want to be rich and i have to start now to live it,to show the world,lilian said as turned to the mirror smililng at herself with so much satisfaction,even if it means extorting money from your parents,cisca answered sharply,and how do you know that lily ehh!! answer me,you've not paid for Mr Njoku's handouts lily answered.,i will pay cisca,after all the dead line is next week and this is just monday also please i didnt extort money from my parents,i asked for money for text books,and it was given to me,so please,its very clear we both have different goals and i will achieve mine.

Alright fine,Cisca said sitting, exhausted with the whole argument and just realizing she hasn't even dropped her books and bag,she has been worried about her friend remebering how they met in 100level,the financial goals they set which one of them was to have a save box,save until their last paper in uni,only for lily to storm in one afternoon in their 300level and cracked her save box with the excuse that all her mates are using the latest iphone,and she must get hers., it was tempting though as at that time, but she couldn't bring herself to crack her save box.

Turning to her beloved friend,with a weary smile, she complemented the hair, it's beautiful on you though,surprised lily turned and gave her big smile..

Thank you very much, you are not a kill joy after all,she said,see my friend you need to live a little,there is no time, but cicsa kept looking at her friend as she tried to convice her and knowing what the future holds she kept pondering on ways to make her friend realize that she should make hay while the sun shines.

So ,lily and Cisca graduated from the uni.there is always a life after school for people who passed through the walls of college. Cisca who knew her stands in life and what’s a need and a want at a point in her life ,excelled in her life endeavours.she got what she desired and more .While on a job before service (NYSC)she met Lilly ,she was wowed cause the way she left Lilly after graduation is different from what she looks now .and they had to have a little conversation.

So just after we signed out from school, i was supposed to start my clearance, i was soo scared because i knew i had accumulated a lot of debts,i was wing 2 years school fees, i had not paid some departmental dues,even the little money i was given to start my clearance, i lent it to my boyfriend on trust, he said he wants to invest with it,that the interest rate was high, till date Cisca,i have not heard or seen him. Lilly sobed with her head bowed,buh she continued.

Guess what,i had two carry over courses,and i paid 14k to sort those course but it didnt reflect,so i have to pay an extra school fees to rewrite them. My parents are soo disappointed in me,i see it in their eyes,my dad especially,i even go to my Dad's shop to assist him after my cleaning job here so i can show him i am changed. His business is not even as forthcoming as before because of inflation in the country. Ohh God Cisca i wish i listened to you i wish,Lilian lamented. But wait how much were u able to save Cisca,650k Cisca replied with pity in her eyes,Wow!!,to even think i spent half a million to buy hair,if i had that money now,i can pay 2ys school fees and i even sold the hair later for 100k,ohh Lord what have i gotten my self into,i really drank the cup of sorrow..Lily cried again.

Cisca drew her close and consoled her,dont cry my dear,there is always light at the end of tunnel,you know better now,just make sure u stay strong ohkay,there is always a way out,i am very sure of it.

i want to invite few of my friends @jovita30 @ngozie996 @christyshona

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