Hobbies| My hobby| by @hiralytical

in Steem For Pakistanlast year


Hello everyone....

How are you all... And how is your Ramzan going. I hope everyone is doing good. First ashra is ended and second is started. As this is the month of blessings do good deeds as much as you can.


So my today's post is about my hobbies.


As everyone know actually hobby is something which we do in free time and we love to that thing. We have craze of doing the same thing again and again and we really like it. Different people have different hobbies according to their choice and their passion. Some love book reading some love art some love cooking some love stiching some love panting some love make crafts. Everyone have different hobbies. So let me tell you about my hobbies. What are my hobbies and how i did them.


I have 3 hobbies and i love my these three hobbies. First one is gardening. Second one is cooking and third one is book reading.
I love to do these all when ever i am free. And when i am not free i make my self to get time for doing this all. Let me tell you about my first hobby.

Gardening/ planting

This is my first and most favorite. I love to plant new flowers in my house. I love to plant different types of plants in the pots and i have do so in my home. And they look very attractive. As greenery freshens our mind. I get fresh when ever i look in these beautiful roses and different green plants. They are very beautiful. And i Hope many of you in this community steem for pakistan have this hobby.


Cooking/ baking

This is very good hobby and i think every girl have this hobby. When ever i get bore i go to kitchen and make anything which is available at that time because i love to cook and bake things. Not everyone cooking taste is good but i am sure of cooking taste it is really very good and everyone like my taste always.


Book reading

Last but not the least. Book reading is my favorite one hobby. I usually read novels and story book when ever o feel bored. Book reading make you feel energetic and from some novels and books we come to know about different new information because some books and novels are very informative.

So this is my post of hobbies and i hope you all like it.



 last year 

Yes, hobbies can also take you away from overthinking and I also like gardening but I haven’t started it yet but soon I will and I also do painting.

But you have a amazing flowers in your garden as well as your cooking skills are mind blowing I can see from your pictures.

Just in case if you haven’t read this book must read it Forty Rules of love it’s an excellent book.

Take care

 last year 

ThaNkuu dear...Yes i read it about half an year ago some one ask me to read it and It is really fantastic book..

 last year 

Gardening and book reading are also my hobbies...glad to see you have shared the same interest here:)

 last year 

Thanks dear

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