Weekly Drawing Contest || Week-04 || Draw The Grapes || by @hasina78

in Steem For Pakistanlast year

Assalamualaikum and good evening to you all

@enamul17 vai has announced this wonderful contest., "Weekly Drawing Contest || Week-04 || Draw The Grapes". I really love to participate in such a contest. Here is my presentation. Hope you like it.


✅ Draw creatively and share your skills with us.

First I want to tell you what materials I used to draw this picture.



* A4 size paper
* Pencil
* Eraser
* Sharpener
* Different color pencils

My drawing skill step by step




✅ Discribe about the fruit.

History of Grapes:

It is believed that grape cultivation began in the eastern part of the world about 6,000-4,000 years ago. Evidence of winemaking told us dates back 4,000 years in Georgia. This means that the grape is a very old fruit and the history of food prepared from it is also very old. It is known that in the 1300s, the Persians first started cultivating grapes in the Indian subcontinent, which later spread to southern India. Although grape cultivation is good in the hot climate of southern India, Bangladesh has not yet succeeded in grape cultivation much.

Different colors of grapes such as green, red, white, and black are found in different countries of the world. Due to the use of advanced technology in cultivation, grapes are now grown without seeds. About 75.866 square kilometers of the world are cultivated grapes. 71% of the total production is used to make wine, 27% as fresh fruit, and only 2% as a dried fruit. Moreover, its leaves are also eaten in some countries.

✅ Have you eaten this fruit before? When is the right time to eat this fruit that is beneficial for our health?

My younger son loves grapes. So this fruit is often bought in our house. But he only likes green grapes.
Vitamin C or sour fruits like amlaki, lemon, orange, malta, and grapes should always be eaten on a full stomach. It reduces the possibility of gastric problems. So it is good to eat grapes after lunch. You can eat this fruit even in the afternoon. The grape has a rich nutritious value which is really beneficial for our health. For your better understanding, I give a chart of nutrition facts :

Amount 100 grams of grapes:

Total fat0.4g
Saturated fat0.1g
Total carb17g
Dietary fiber0.9g
Vitamin C6%

I buy grapes from our local market. I don't have this fruit tree. I once tried to grow seedlings from grape seeds at home. But I could not succeed. The price of 1 kg of grapes in our local market is Tk 240.

ProductBD priceSteem priceUSD
1 kg Grapes2409.722.29
✅ What are the benefits & disadvantages of eating this fruit, if any?

Now have a look at what the benefits of eating grapes are.

Surprising Health Benefits of Grapes:

To cure cancer:

Apart from eating grapes, we juice them. This grape juice contains important ingredients like antioxidants and anti-inflammatories, which help to reduce inflammation in our organs. This inflammation is one of the main causes of cancer, which grapes protect us from.

To keep the kidneys healthy:

Various components present in grapes keep harmful uric acid levels in tolerable condition. It also keeps our body healthy by working against various kidney diseases.

Regular blood circulation:

Generally, grape juice is very beneficial for those who suffer from circulatory imbalance. Grapes contain phytonutrients, which help in regular blood circulation and increase insulin in our bodies.

Cure Lemierre syndrome:

Many of us often forget the little things very quickly. Again it is seen that something is completely erased from the memory. It is a disease. Grapes play an important part in curing this forgotten complaint.

Lower cholesterol levels:

Grapes usually contain a type of compound called torostelbene, which helps to keep cholesterol levels in our body in check.

Strengthens the bones of the body:

Grapes are rich in minerals like copper, iron, and manganese, which play a special role in building and strengthening bones in our bodies.

To relieve headaches:

If you have a sudden onset of headache, you can try eating grapefruit instead of taking medicine. Grapefruit helps reduce headaches. Apart from this, grapes play a special role in preventing migraine problems.

To protect eye health:

Grapes are very effective in keeping our eyes healthy. People suffering from eye problems due to age-related problems should eat this fruit regularly.

Grapes to help prevent asthma:

The medicinal properties of grapes are countless. Due to these medicinal properties of grapes, it protects us from the risk of asthma and increases the moisture content of the lungs in our body.

Hair care:

People, who have dandruff, whose hair follicles become rough, turn gray and eventually fall out, can eat grapes to solve these problems.

Protects the skin:

Grapes contain phytochemicals and phytonutrients that help protect our skin. It contains a large amount of vitamin C which plays a special role in maintaining the glow of our skin.

Disadvantages of grapes:

Everything has a good side and a bad side and grapefruit also has some disadvantages. Now let's know about some of its negative aspects.

Stomach upset may occur:

Grapes are rich in salicylic acid. Many people think that this acid is capable of causing various gastrointestinal problems. Inflammation, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and even bloating can occur if this fruit is consumed in excess. Studies have shown that grape seeds cause appendicitis. Largely undigested seed or fruit residue also causes severe stomach pain.

Weight gain:

Being small in size, many grapes can be eaten at once, which is not recommended. Although small in size, this fruit is high in calories. A cup of grapes contains a total of 104 kcal. Also raisins, delicious foods made from grapes such as jam, jelly, and juice can cause you to gain weight. Therefore, you should not take more than 8 to 10 grapes a day.

May cause complications during pregnancy:

Resveratrol present in grapes can cause complications during pregnancy. It is a potent polyphenol found in red wine. Research shows that resveratrol or its supplements cause problems in the pancreas of developing fetuses. So, expectant mothers should keep this in mind.

Babies tend to choke:

Grapes can cause suffocation. Especially babies aged 6 to 12 months cannot chew properly so they need to be careful about feeding grapes. If a grape gets stuck in the throat, try to get it out as soon as possible by putting your hand in the child's mouth.

May cause allergies:

Grapes contain a certain amount of protein, called grape lipid transfer protein. This protein can cause severe allergies in you. It can beget anaphylaxis, which can be life-threatening. If you already have an allergy problem, you should consult your doctor before eating grapes.

Causes kidney problems:

A report from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases suggests that patients with chronic kidney disease and diabetes should consume very limited amounts of grapes. However, no studies have found a direct link between grapefruit with adverse effects on the kidneys in humans. But you must be careful. If you have any kind of kidney disease, please stay away from grapes and talk to your doctor.

Blue line.png

So here I discuss all I know about Grapes. Hope you will like it. Your vote and comment are always dear to me. Thank you. I like to invite some of my friends @selina1 @mdkamran99 @shikhurana @ismotara to participate in the contest

From @bangladesh

 last year 

Thanks, apu. I will try to attend this contest.

 last year 

In Sha Allah apu. I am waiting to see your drawing.

 last year 

Hi, Greetings, Good to see you Here

Thank you so much for sharing your post at #steem4pakistan community. We are extremely happy to see your post.

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Wow you have very creative and productive skills to draw graps and shared useful benefits of grapes in our healthy life. . thanks for participation. Good luck :)

 last year 

Thank you dear for your nice comment.

Wow ,I appreciate your hardwork for this post and art, the green colour and shadings gave realistic look to the art.

 last year 

Thank you brother for your nice comment. Your appreciation will motivate me to do more beautiful work.

Wow Very nice art done. Just like real grapes. Keep it up.

 last year 

Thank you dear.

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