Share Your Memories Of 2022

in Steem For Pakistan2 years ago (edited)

Due to the Covid situation that occurred last year, everyone in the world had a lot of difficulties. Because of that, restrictions were imposed on movement. So everyone's life was disrupted. That's why we lost the chance to have fun. So to make up for all that, we traveled to different places in Sri Lanka throughout this year.


New family member

A new pet joined our family this year and we named it Novi. He is very smart, so now he thinks that we are in his house. Because of Novi, the palu at home is gone and our Ruby has also found a new friend. At first they both had a fight, but now they are good friends.

Ruby It is a female and she has no offspring because of cancer in her uterus
Novi This new member of our family is a Rottweiler male


Dayout with my friends

Years later he decided to throw a party where all my friends would get together, so we all had a party in a hotel. My friends and my wife's friends also joined here. We sang songs, swam in the pool and had a liquor party. It was a very happy day for all of us.


Family trip to Baticaloa and Coral beach

Our family has many brothers and sisters of my age so we all decided to take a train trip to Batticaloa. So this went in the beginning of November. Traveling by train is a great experience for many people. We sang and danced and had a lot of fun. We went to Batticaloa for a 3 day holiday. We played on the beach, threw a cocktail party and went on a boat ride to see corals.


Rawana mega zipline

I am an adventurer and so is my wife. This is the only place to get the experience of a zip line in Sri Lanka so we decided to go on a 2 day trip. There are many places to see in this area and you can also climb mountains and it has a relaxing environment. The tiredness of the busy life disappears when you come to this place.

So this is how this year has passed since we traveled a lot during this year. We had a lot of fun this year and many unforgettable memories were added to our memory book.

I invite my friend @saku46549 @ewantesi @strecoza to join this contest and share your memories. thanks to the #steem4pakistan and @suboohi for organizing this challenge.

Thank you very much for reading my post and I wish you all a happy new year

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