SEC-S17 /W4| "Why do you Prefer Steemit Only?

in Steem For Pakistan2 months ago


Greetings Steemit friends

I learned about Steemit in 2017, but I was reluctant to join. The strong reason was that I did not understand the concept of Web 3.0. It just did not sound well to my ears. I thought of Ponzi schemes while trying to get all the necessary information, but that personal interest was not there. So, it took me a while to decide to join the platform and encourage others to join.

✍️ What were your hopes while signing up for Steemit for the first time?

While signing up in 2020, I was giving myself a try after several mentorship talks from my mentor @theGreens. He has been on this for years and I decided to join in 2020. He came with another energy that pushed my interest. I was given the try with the hope that it would be a passive income to help my family and me in sorting out little financial situations like the bills. I never paint any big picture in my brain with steemit. It was clear from the beginning that it was not a get-rich platform, they were not a voting formula.

So, I did not raise any high hopes concerning the platform. I consider it as one of the social media platforms I will be sharing content. Then early days were clear, as I could go for days without votes. But one thing I noticed was the different supports at the level of reputation, which keep me going. So, one thing I was hoping for was to find myself in the position of getting reasonable curation votes.

✍️ Your challenges faced while achieving your financial or blogging goals?

Since my early days on steemit, I never had huge financial goals. It was difficult for me to see the slow growth as a challenge. It is not like there was a formula to get curation votes, which I will use, and it will not work. As time passed, I got more experience and my goals started changing.

The first challenge was the fact that I had to write over 300 words to have a valid post for curation. It is not easy for someone who is not a writer. At one point in your life, you have to start writing blogs and posting.

The second challenge was the fact that I needed to produce Original content. It was challenging as copying content from other sources and posts was an abuse on the platform. I found myself in a semi-school situation, trying to do the right thing. Fighting to stay away from acts of plagiarism on the platform.


The third challenge was the issue of copyrighted images. I did understand the need to post copyright-free images. Most time, it was easier to fall for a copyrighted image that matches your content than copyright-free images.

All together in one piece, it was challenging trying to put together content. Especially when you are trying to make sure that your content is of high quality and free from any form of abuse. That way you have some assurance that you will pull curators towards the post. It was something new to me, given that other social media did not place restrictions on the content posted. Again, I was used to Micro posts and not Macro postings.

✍️ Your inspiration on Steemit?

My inspiration was during my first withdrawal. I knew about BTC, but I did not know much about STEEM. I had a crypto wallet, but STEEM was not listed in the wallet. So, after several blogs on steemit. I was able to gather the information on creating an account with Poloniex. After my first withdrawal, I was inspired to stay on and keep blogging.

✍️ Your happy story due to Steemit?

Steemit keeps me peace of mind, Steemit has given me the possibility to accomplish important projects in my family. Steemit moves from handling bills to achieving dreams. The fact you see me blogging on steemit is a happy story already for me.

I invite

Thanks for dropping by


Every one effort is being appreciated when you do the right thing, thanks for sharing your own part of your journey with us, as for earning with crypto, yeah is good because I didn't even know anything about crypto then but now I know more

 last month 

I think so far, steemit has been one of the platforms I can recommend to anyone without fear. It is a platform where you get to understand that you are the boss of your growth. As you said, by earning crypto. You had the opportunity to learn about cryptocurrency.

Steemit pushes me to know more about Web 3.0 platforms and gradually. As the government beginning to find a way to integrate blockchain technology, Web 3.0 is the future of web browsing.

 2 months ago 

Hello dear @fombae
Tha ks for sharing your valuable story of steemit. In 2020 you take a good decision to signing up on steemit and now you see how much beneficial for you. Writing blogs in 300 words and provide quality content is much more difficult for those who's not blogger. So I see you done a very good job. I wish you more success.

 last month 

Thanks @ahsansharif, we keep learning. We never stop learning until death takes us. Steemit was an opportunity for me to start blogging. I really appreciate my mentor for insisting that I join the platform.

Steemit is a good place to gain knowledge especially those people that are into crypto space, I can see that you also had challenge just like every other person on steemit. Steemit has helped many and is still helping us. I wish you good luck.

 last month 

For Sure @okere-blessing,

Steemit has helped many and is still helping us

All we have to do is keep the reputation of the platform at the top level. To do so means staying away from any form of abuse on the platform.

Thanks, Ma'am for dropping on my post.

Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
Thank you for witnessvoting for me.
please click it!
(Go to and type fbslo at the bottom of the page)

The weight is reduced because of the lack of Voting Power. If you vote for me as a witness, you can get my little vote.



Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator08.

Curated by : @sduttaskitchen

Hi my friend I see you and I entered steemit in the same year, but right now your steem power is higher than mine, it’s because I power down to settle some challenge like that. Steemit has really help you and I in different ways which I will never forget.its the best platform ever. I wish you success @fombae

 last month 

Solving challenges is the main objective of the steemit platform. Thanks my dear for dropping on my post.

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