Father:My View, Myself Wk24".

in Steem For Pakistan2 months ago

Greetings my dear friends hiw are you all doing today I'm happy to participate in this contest that my dear friend @saintkelvin17 published for few days now you have been dropping interesting contest I'm happy for you bro keep up the good work 👏.


What do you understand by the word father?

From my own definition i will say that the word father can be define as a male parent or someone who has a paternal bond with a child.

And father do play a significant role in a child's life, providing love and support, guidance and protection and also I will say that father is also refers to someone who has originated or created something.

Tell us about your dad in two or more paragraphs.

My dad is every handsome and hardworking man who has an average hight and he works in the polytechnic as a admissions officers people that grant admission and my dad is someone that loves to read he doesn't dispose newspapers anyhow almost all the newspaper in our house he has read it and that make him more intelligent about what is happening in the country.

[My Dad]

And when it comes caring since when I was still very small he was very caring, loving and understanding I grew up with one parents which is my dad my mom was not actually close because she was working outside the state so a big shout out to my dad for raising a brilliant child like me he cook and provide anything that i need and his a type of person that controls his anger when his angry and that makes him being a perfect dad.

Do you still want him to be your dad if there's a next world and why?

Yes I still want him to be my dad both in this world and another world because his the best dad ever and I'm proud to be his son because he really raised me well if i do something bad he correct me with a normal punishment rather than petting me and right now I think that was really a good one because with out those corrections, punishment i don't think I will even be here in Steem platform writing as a blogger and I still do same thing to my own kids when i get married.

Tell us about the best advice you have received from your father or someone's father.

There's nothing like best advice that I have received from my father rather all his advice are all useful to me i but what I know he keeps saying even today when he calls me at the end of our conversation he will say don't take what doesn't belong to you and always keep your hands clear that always his words.


And all his advice I put it practice because no one can has that time to advise me rather than my parents so i take their advice so serious because i know that there will never dislead me.

Thanks for reading my post I'm inviting my friends @pea07, @mesola and @emmy01 to participate in this contest.

10% to @hive-180106 account.

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