SEC-S14 / W2 | "Parents, Our Pillars of Strength 👪"
Have you ever seen a house without pillars? If yes , you can imagine how it will look, So shall it be with child without perfect parents as their pillars. Parents are often seen as the perfect pillar of strength for their children for a number of reasons.
My role models.
Fristly,My parents were the most familiar and consistent figure of my life, they provide sense of safety and security for me at all costs. There are my role models,teaching us the important life lessons and setting wonderful example for us on how to navigate the world. My parents is the once who provide the most unconditional love and support to us no matter what we do.
From my birth till now,l realize how my parents love, Care, support and providing all necessary guidance for all of us,all thier wonderful kind gesture make them my perfect pillar of strength for lives.
Ernestly,parents play a significant role in shaping the personality of thier children,my parents are among one in millions parents who care for thier children and shape thier behaviors. I give them a big thump's up for all they did for me👍.
My parents live an exemplary life, they are type that do all it takes to be honest in all their deed with us even the people in our environment, they really make a good name,their example really help me to grow and because a responsible adult trying all my best to be honest in all my life dealing.
Safe image
I learned hard work from My parents,they are so industrious,their hard-work is on top notch,My father is teacher and also run a pertent medicine shop while my mum work in the hospital as an auxiliary nurse,their seriousness and hard work help to become an Hustler and struggle for my life any way in the world.
My parents really help me physically, mentally and spiritually to shape my personality in God word making me who l am today.
Growing up with my lovely parents form day one till now ,the role that my parents play in my overall well-being is immense not only providing basic necessities of life,such as food, shelter and clothing, but they also play a key role in developing my social,emotional and physical health. They foster a sense of security and self-esteem in me which helps to developed important life skills such as conflict resolution and decision making.
My pillars of strength
They also play a crucial role of directing and guiding me through various challenges of growing up,starting school, making friends and dealing with peer pleasure.
They care about my spiritual well-being helping to study the Bible effectively and learn more about our heavenly father.
My parents are no nonsense parents 😂🤣,the handle us in Africans way, if you purposely disobey them they will deal with you personally 🤣🤣.All of this role help me to see how they love us unconditionally.
My parents greatly support my dream by help to see potential value in life savings carrier, which l join, I can still recall the day we went to buy my admission form,lt was on a heavy raining day, l look at my father's face thinking lf he will discourage me, but he never did instead he encourage me to be patience so that we accomplished our mission for the day.
Throughout my life in schools,my parents help financially, emotional, mentally till l Excell and became a certified community health extension worker who is practicing the carrier today.
My parents have sacrifice a lot for me, starting from their time,energy,money and lot more for my sustainability on planet Earth.
I can't, forget in a hurry how my mum care for smelling wound, dressing it alternate days for good 7 month plus.
Everlasting deformity
I mistakenly had a cut at the back of my right hand due to machete mismanagement of my sister, l was rush to the hospital but on arrival, l refuse wound suturing after doctor's explaination. My mum take me home, take care of the hand by her self, although lt wasn't easy to care for a smelling wound for about 7 month, remember it on my right,she feed me,bath me and do all l need to survive,out of love, she did all without complaining even a single day.
Last year,she sacrifice her time and energy for me, when l delivered she left her business,my father and my younger siblings, just to take care of me and my princess.I don't know how my life would be without their love,care and support.
In every angle of life, they have proven to be strongest pillars of my strength.
All l need now is the Same strength for me care for my up coming generation, l strongly believe that the giver of strength will help me to inculcate the same morals to them,so that they will grow become a responsible adult.
I would like @pandora2010, @inspiracion, @eliany @scilwa @nexcis to share their opinion about this contests.Thank so much for spending your precious time on my article, Much love and blessings to all. ❤️
Hola amiga
Qué bueno es tener padres que nos cuidan nos protegen y dan todo lo necesario para que nosotros podamos estar bien te felicito por tus grandes padres .
Cuando nos enfermamos lo que queremos es que nuestros padres estén allí porque no confiamos en nadie más y si ellos se sacrifican para cuidarnos es una gran muestra de amor.
Suerte en tu concurso
Hellloo dear friend , how are you ? I hope so your life is going very well .
That cut at the back of your right hand is very deep. I can tell that it must have hurt a lot. But your mom has sacrificed her business and looked after you at the critical times. We are lucky to have Parents in our life to give us the best. I think the biggest asset the world is our parents.
Best of luck , may you achieve wealth , health , success and prosperity in your life 🙏
Greetings from my side .
Have a nice day 🌼.
Dear friend,it is the very the wound was very deep to a point that,it affected some of my veins, but my parents was the greatest help l could have at this moment.
Thanks so much for going through my post and adding valuable comment.
Hola bella. El amor de los padres es el más bello y noble sentimiento que nos forma y nos inculcan valores morales que nos guían en nuestra vida. Dios bendiga a todos los padres del mundo.
Felicitaciones amiga. Éxitos en el concurso.
Thanks so much for going through my post,l really appreciate your kind words.
Saludos estimada amiga que hermosura de padres tienes, es evidente el cariño y admiracion que les tienes y por supuesto, se lo han ganado a pulso a lo largo de tu vida. Admirable los cuidados de tu mami. Exitos en tu estupenda entrada.
Your kind words melt my heart,l really appreciate it much love.❤️
Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator08.Greetings friend, beautiful post. Without a doubt her parents are wonderful and exemplary people, I am glad that she was raised by them with values and good principles.
It's good that they helped her in the pursuit of her dreams and that they are the people who care about her well-being. Blessings and much success!
Thanks so much for your kind words, can easily boost of them any way in the world.
Much ❤️💝.
Hello good morning and happy Sunday to you. I really enjoyed reading your post, is very direct and well-detailed. Your parents look very good as well as you.
Is good your parents trained you the way you should be trained SBD and am happy you were willing to learn all the things they were teaching you.
Is good you are now working in the medical sector as this will really help you alot and you achieved this through your role models which are your parents.
I wish you good luck in this engagement challenge.
Your parents are very good example for you, hard working but the same time dedicating much time for their children. It is a pleasure to know that you also appreciating what your parents did for you and it is easy to feel that you definitely love and respect them and that you also want to be like them for your children too. Wishing you good luck in the challenge :)
I appreciate your kind words in my post
Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.