The Diary Game || On rest!

in Steem For Pakistan7 months ago


Hello world!

I bring you warm greetings from my part of the world, thanks for your special time to visit my blog, I count it a great previlledge friends. I want to appreciate this community for their hard work and tireless efforts to see the success and growth of this community which I want to honestly appreciate the community.


I woke up at exactly 5:15 am to start prayers in thanks giving to the almighty for another previlledge to be among the living ones. After which I studied the word and slept back again for some minutes. I woke up again by 6:17 am. Thank God there was power supply which is electricity so all I could do was to use my microwaver to microwave the cooked reserved spaghetti and that was my breakfast for the day.


Its still working days so I bathed and got myself prepared to work, where I work is a bit far from home so I go on tricycle because it will be cheaper than moving through a taxi or machine. ThankGod I left home early because the tricyclist had to stop at a fueling station to fill his tank before we continue the movement.


Myself in the tricycle

Immediately I arrived work, I started having pains in my teeth, I use to have tooth ache but its time to time and at some point, I started feeling dizzy but I just held myself because I wanted nobody to understand that I was not too fine. My boss asked me to go back home and restwhich I did.


Immediately I dropped from the tricycle at the junction to my house, I bought fried yam from my usual customer because I know I will not have the strength for cooking lunch. I bought for just 300 naira which is equivalent to steem. He also sells fried fish and most people eats with the fish too but I donot like to eat the yam with fish I prefer it just simple as fried with egg.

I got home, ate the yam and slept off and woke up around 3:54 pm. I looked very weak but I really felt relieved from the tooth ache. When I woke up, I took a warm bath and went through my blog to vote on users account.


Its evening now and I decided to cook something for myself because I was already feeling hungry. I chosed to cook swallow because it will be easier and better for me than eating what I will have to chew because there is high tendency of triggering tooth pain agian.

After eating, I took a warm bath again and now on my phone writing about the activities of the day, I actually slept off while writing my diary game so I decided to post it now, thank you very much and I hope you enjoy reading through. I warmly invite the following users to read through my post and show their participation too.

 7 months ago 

Ooh my God sorry to hear about your slipping and falling from the bicycle. And due to which all of your yam fall down and it was the only thing for you for the lunch to avoid from being cooking the lunch at home.

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