"Contest" who gossips more ? Man Vs women | By @chahmad12

in Steem For Pakistanlast year
Asslamaalikum Everyone,


I hope all will be fine and very happy and enjoying your very beautiful life by the grace of Allah Almighty. And I hope you all will definitely participate in this wonderful community which is a wonderful contest. I thank @kunwal who organized the first ever contest in this community and I wish him all the best. Heartfelt congratulations and I hope @kunwal you keep up such good contests. And now without wasting my time I continue my post.

What do you think who gossip more ? Man or woman? 🤔

• I'd like to start by stating that gossip is a frequent and complicated human behaviour that may be seen in a variety of countries and social groupings. It entails spreading rumours or information about other people, frequently focused on their social or personal life. While it would be easy to hypothesise on gender differences in gossiping propensities, doing so risks perpetuating stereotypes and ignoring individual variance.

• First off, it's critical to understand that gossiping is a behaviour that affects people of both genders. The frequency and kind of gossip can differ greatly amongst people, and both men and women indulge in it equally. I want to explain a few things that might affect the trends in rumours so you can grasp the subject better.

• Culture and social conventions have a significant impact on how gossip is conducted. Because individuals' levels of gossiping may vary depending on the sorts of people they are, whether they are men or women, and the views they have towards gossip in their own communities. For instance, although some cultures view gossip as a harmful or improper activity, in others it may be considered as a tool to forge social connections and obtain knowledge. Because of this, men and women have distinct perspectives on gossip.

• The communication patterns that men and women frequently exhibit can have an impact on how gossip is communicated. Women tend to communicate more interpersonally and empathically, emphasising emotional connections and sharing personal experiences, according to my study to date and what my theory predicts. Men, on the other hand, could communicate in a more direct and authoritative manner, emphasising on the competitive or status-related components of the rumour. Variations in gossiping behaviour may be a reflection of these communication style disparities.

• Social network dynamics and structure might also affect the slanderous trends. For instance, women frequently maintain social networks that are bigger and more linked, which creates more opportunity for gossip. Men, on the other hand, could have smaller, more dispersed networks, leading to various gossip patterns.

• According to my study, women tend to engage in more relationship-based gossip than interpersonal dynamics. Gossip can centre around a wide range of themes, including relationships, personal accomplishments, or social events. Men tend to chat about sports, politics, or other subjects that interest them more than women do. Social expectations and an individual's job may have an impact on these variances. And I conducted all of this study on my own since I, too, am a male and have engaged in such fascinating rumours.

Have you ever been a part of gossip in family or friends intentionally unintentionally 🤪?

Me and my siblings and mother and father and our relatives we all lived together in one family my uncles and aunts and their children and all our family were sitting together and gathered for Sunday evening meal. The family gathers for dinner every Sunday evening, and it was Sunday. That is, the news to surprise everyone was about a relative of our family, the girl Maryam. and when I mentioned during the meal that he had a sudden heart attack and was taken to the hospital because all our family used to meet with him, everyone was very surprised and said you How did they find out, I told them that I had received their phone call, then everyone was very worried and my younger cousin started crying, then while talking to each other, they started calling our relative that I had called them. When I told him that I was just gossiping and joking with him, he was about to see his face, he was angry with me, but the situation was the same, he did not say anything to me and kept silent and said that again Don't joke, because I said that, I was embarrassed and I told them that I won't do that joke again, and then we all started eating together and laughing and chatting with each other. But it really hasn't forgotten me yet because I was in 8th grade then and I was very naughty at that time so it's something that I still don't remember yet and I'm sharing it with you. Be and remember, gossip can be hurtful and hurtful at times, so it's important to show compassion and respect when talking to others, especially in the family or a close community.

If you want to do gossip or group talk what was the topic , horror or any thing you want to mention? 😆

If I want to chat be it with people or with my friends or group talk my topic is always jokes to make people laugh because I am a happy person and my aim in life is to make people laugh. Because the more people laugh, the more I get rewarded and I can make people laugh in different ways in the group, that is, by reciting a poem or reciting an absurd poem or a discussion started within the group, I laughed that way. In the same laughing discussion someone made fun and friends etc started laughing and my subject is only to make people laugh and make people happy so that people forget the sorrows of life and join my funny talk and forget their sorrows for a while. And be glad to do so my heart rests.


And now I end my post and I hope you all enjoyed reading my post today and I invite three of my friends to participate in this contest named @iqrarana786 , @sameer07 , @faran-nabeel

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 last year 

Thank you souch for your best wishes and participate in this contest. You have shared your personal story appreciated, sometimes in gossip we unintentionally misbehaving with each other or making fun of someone and told fake rumors which is not good but you described very well. Wish you best of luck for the contest ✨

Entry #1 approved 😃

 last year 

Thank you very much 😊

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