📢 Contest-The importance of family in our life.

in Steem For Pakistanlast year (edited)
Asslamaalikum Everyone,


I hope you all are doing well by the grace of Allah. And in your beautiful life like this contest you will be enjoying deep loving relationships with your family and today I am going to share an interesting post for you all which is a contest organized by @enamul17 and I am you Thank you so much for organizing a contest about the deep relationships in our lives. Our family is connected and I hope you will like my contest post today and I will definitely be the winner in this post and I hope all of you who read my post will Will participate in this contest and invite all my friends to participate. Well this week's contest is brilliantly done by @enamul17 who is my favourite. So without wasting my time I am going to participate in this contest so now let me start my post.


(1) Share your views on the importance of family in a person's life.


A person's family plays a significant part in his or her life and is crucial to the development of that person's character, values, and general well-being. Family is essential to me for a variety of reasons, some of which I will undoubtedly discuss with you guys.

✅ Emotional Support:

Having family gives you a sense of affection and belonging. And those who we excel in life—family—to rejoice in our accomplishments and to stand by us during trying times, to comfort us and grant us a brief moment of calm. Moreover, receiving a lot of love and support from your family may make you happy on the inside and raise your self-esteem. and you work hard to obtain everything in life; family love and support might aid you in overcoming obstacles in life.

✅ Family Relationships:

Family ties are the oldest relationships, and nurturing relationships are the closest because they teach us a lot about trust, empathy, and compassion. Spending time with family is also the most important aspect of nurturing relationships. However, I adore it, and secondly, spending quality time with family develops ties. Furthermore, cultivating relationships produces a strong sense of security and attachment.

✅ Values and morals:

Family members, such as our brothers or cousins, are crucial in instilling morals and values in each of us. Family members instill valuable ideals, cultural customs, and life lessons in all of us beginning in childhood. Our sense of character, integrity, and right and wrong are shaped by the life lessons, morality, and cultural traditions that our families instill in us. These experiences empower us to make our own responsible judgements. It facilitates formation.

✅ Identity and Self-Discovery:

The basis for one's identity and self-discovery is provided by the family. And I've learned a lot about my family from my elders, including family history tales and numerous customs, and I still recall everything they taught us that made it easier for us to comprehend this. Family members frequently impart insightful information, life lessons, and wisdom that aid in our quest for self-discovery. I thus believe that everyone who reads this essay should sit down with their elders and discuss their lives, families, and identities with them. Make careful to learn so that you are also aware of your identity.

✅ Education and growth:

Education and growth In fact, the family serves as the main institution for education and socialisation. In addition to helping children's education by promoting learning, offering direction, and stimulating intellectual curiosity, education teaches us life skills, etiquette, and manners that improve us as people. They are crucial in influencing growth.

✅ Note:

I'll also share my theory about how essential family is in a person's life at the conclusion of this question. It gives one a feeling of community, emotional support, direction, and it helps mould one's character and values. An individual's general well-being and happiness are significantly influenced by the affection and support of family members.


(2) What are some of the key factors that make family an important part of our lives?


If I were to summarise my response to this question, I would say that family is crucial to our existence since we are the source of all of our connections, familial love, and life itself. Therefore, in my opinion, family is significant in our lives because it offers a foundation of love, support, and connection. Here are a few of the things that, in my opinion, contribute to family being a significant aspect of our lives.

✅ Emotional Support:

Family members offer emotional support throughout both good and challenging times. It also benefits us and we get their affection. They also offer a secure and nurturing atmosphere where one can become knowledgeable and develop into a decent person and where one can vent their emotions, seek guidance, and find solace. We can better manage stress, anxiety, and other emotional challenges when we have a solid support structure inside the family. All of these conveniences come from our family, our friends, and our devoted family members, which makes living extremely simple.

✅ Unconditional Love:

Family members embrace us for who we are, warts and all, and provide us unconditional love. This feeling of acceptance and comfort from our familial connection aids in the growth of our self-confidence, self-esteem, and good self-image. aids in building a solid basis for growth.

✅ Socialization and Learning:

As you are all aware, our families are frequently the first social settings in which we acquire the fundamental social skills, communication, and interpersonal interactions. We form our values, views, and behaviours via interactions with our own family members, which help to form our personalities and direct how we interact with other members of society. Which really improves our affection for family and aids us in life.

✅ Practical Help:

Our own families offer us practical assistance in a variety of facets of our own lives. Financial aid, child care, housework assistance, and various forms of support and direction with decision-making are all examples of this support. We may share duties and lessen the load when difficult periods in life strike by having a reliable network of family members.

✅ Relationships that last a lifetime:

As you are all aware, family ties are often permanent relationships that never end since we can never cut off our ties to our loved ones and family members. presenting. These connections provide us a sense of continuity and stability, reassuring us that we have people in our life who will support us. Family members frequently share memories, mark significant anniversaries, and establish enduring customs.

✅ Role models and leaders:

Frequently discover our own relatives in our families who serve as our inspiration and mentors. And tell us that just as we have succeeded in life, you may succeed as well with your diligence and hard work, and that family members who have excelled in other spheres of life can offer helpful counsel, insight, and direction. They may be motivational and inspirational, guiding us on our journeys.

✅ Note:

In conclusion, I would want to express to everyone who is reading this essay my belief that family is an essential and priceless aspect of our lives. Our ties with our family members provide us a feeling of identity, belonging, and affection, all of which influence our values, interpersonal interactions, and general well-being.


(3) Are there any incidents where your family has stood by your side and supported you? If so, you can share it with us.


I want to tell you all that there are many examples in my family who have supported me a lot in life and helped me through difficult times when even my friends had turned their backs on me. So that time my family supported me is a moment that I can't talk about in my whole life and I will always remember my family in my fondest memories who supported me in my difficult time and this 2019 As for when my matriculation paper came and by the grace of Alhamdulillah Allah I passed with good marks, now I had to enroll in a college to study further and my home conditions were not such that I could study. I could not continue my education because I studied in a government school from class 1 to 10 and I had to get admission in a good college to study further, but at that time our situation was not such that I could study in my own school. I can continue my education. At that time my family supported me and helped me and paid my college fees. And through my education I got the guidance of the religion and the world and I got to know the way to live. If they had not helped me then, I might not have stood where I am today, working in a multinational company. All this has been possible because of my family and family members who supported me when I needed support.


If you want you can express your personal feelings about what your family has given you so far.

By the way this question was optional but I am sharing my heart condition and the love of my family with you all what my family has given me so far my family has given me the love I needed. And my family always supported me throughout my life whether it was a difficult time or a good time my family always stood by me and my family told me the harsh reality of life in their loving words in this way and Explained so that I can be successful in the world and my family members told me such good things to fight the world and win the world and guided me so that I do not lose heart in difficulties and my family members encouraged me so that I can succeed in life. I can be successful.


And I invite my 3 friends to participate in this post @steemdoctor1, @shahid2030, @aaliarubab

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Cc, @disconnect, @stephenkendal





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