Steemit Engagement Challenge | S7W5 | "Write A Short Story ".

in Steem For Pakistan2 years ago

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Greetings to every participants in this contest. I'll seriously love to read and comment on Various entries and lot of beneficial stories with lessons about life would be written by many. It's no news that stories are on the trend.

My fictional story follows the journey of a man named James who lets a small pebble in his shoe consume him with anger and frustration. Journey with me as I expatiate more on James story and also see how this is applicable to us in real life.

The pebble in the Shoe

The story of "The Pebble in the Shoe" is a timeless tale that teaches the important lesson of perspective. It follows the journey of a man named James who was known for his quick temper and grumpy demeanor. James would often complain about the smallest of things and let them ruin his day.

One day, as James was walking on a long journey, he felt a pebble in his shoe. At first, he thought nothing of it, but as he continued to walk, the pebble became more and more bothersome. Soon, James was consumed with anger and frustration about the pebble in his shoe. He was so focused on the pebble that he was unable to enjoy the journey or appreciate his surroundings.

As James reached his destination, he was greeted by an old sage who noticed his grumpiness and asked him what was wrong. James shared his frustrations about the pebble in his shoe, and the sage smiled and offered him a solution.

The sage told James to take the pebble out of his shoe and put it in his pocket. He explained that the pebble would always be there, but it was up to James to choose whether to let it bother him or not. The sage went on to say that life is filled with small irritations, but it's our attitude towards them that determines whether they will control our mood and happiness.

James followed the sage's advice and took the pebble out of his shoe. To his surprise, the pebble no longer bothered him and he was able to enjoy the rest of his day. He realized that the pebble was just a small inconvenience, and it was up to him to choose how he reacted to it.

From that day on, James made a conscious effort to focus on the positive and let go of the small irritations that once consumed him. He was no longer ruled by his temper and grumpiness, but instead, he found peace and happiness in life's small joys.

The story of the pebble in the shoe reminds us that we have the power to choose our reactions to life's challenges. It encourages us to focus on the positive and not let the small irritations of life control our mood and happiness. The next time you find yourself facing a small irritation, think of James and choose to put it in your pocket and move on.


It is not the pebble in our shoe that causes us pain, but our attitude towards it. We have the power to choose how we react to life's challenges, and by choosing to focus on the positive, we can lead a happier and more fulfilling life.

I invite @dorismos, @chukwu10 and @artist1111 to join this Engagement Challenge.



first when saw the tittle of the "The Pebble in the Shoe" really amazing thoughts came to my mind, but after reading the story, i felt so good, thank you so much for sharing this nice story

 2 years ago 

I'm happy you felt good reading this piece

Demasiada gente parece ofuscarse por cosas que pueden solucionar, como una "piedra en el zapato." Se trata de una actitud casi irracional que no nos permite evaluar lo que debemos realizar para deslastrarnos de lo que nos preocupa y continuar adelante. sabemos que la vida es corta y lo ideal es centrarnos en lo positivo para intentar ser felices el mayor tiempo posible de nuestro viaje por este reino. Éxitos, amigo. Saludos...

 2 years ago 

Thanks for your comment on my post.


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